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MegaCon 2010 Star Wars Report

Posted By TFN on March 15, 2010

Friend of TFN Alvaro Herrera sent in the following report detailing the Star Wars events that took place during Friday and Saturday at MegaCon 2010:

"On Friday I talked with Steve Sansweet when he was going to the 501st booth. They were kind enough to share it with Lucasfilm and Reed Exhibitions to promote Star Wars Celebration V and sell some CV tickets. Steve also gave me a beach ball that promotes the event!

So far there has been five Star Wars panels, I attended only three of them. The first one was on Friday with Billy Dee Williams, when he talked to us about his experience in the Star Wars movies, his paintings, his love for jazz music, and his own music. One person from the audience even asked him if he knew that the folks at the ForceCast usually puts songs from his album in the show (and no, he didn't know that!).

On Saturday, the second panel was about "Celebrating Star Wars", by Steve Sansweet. The only thing that was new from the panel Steve gave at Fan Days III was a video clip that promotes CV (it's very similar to the one about Star Wars fandom at Celebrations). It's very well done! Steve also told us that the VIP tickets for the show will be available from March 22nd and that it'll consist of two different options: for the first one they'll be 200 tickets and for the second one only 50 tickets! Other questions were about the live action tv series (still a work in progress), Star Wars on Blu-ray (expect it in the next 1 to 5 years), and Star Wars on 3D, where he confirmed that Lucasfilm is looking for the right technology to do it, but it will definetly happen some time in the future.

The last panel I attended was a Q&A with some of the Star Wars actors that came to the show: Jeremy Bulloch, Peter Mayhew, Maria de Aragon, David Barclay and Ray Park. They talked mostly about their experiences in the Star Wars movies, how they got their particular roles, what they thought about all the changes in the Special Edition(s), and what was their favourite Star Wars scene.

The other two panels were about Clone Wars, with voice actors Matt Wood and David Accord, and one called "Learn how to draw your favorite Star Wars character", by three sketch card artists.

Well, that's all that has happended so far. Tomorrow Steve will talk about his own collection of memorabilia, especially about some of the most amazing and most bizarre items."

Awesome write-up Alvaro, and we cannot thank you enough for sharing it with us. We eagerly look forward to hearing from you again with a report on Sunday's activities.

From everyone here at TFN, thank you very much!

UPDATE: Once again our friend Alvaro sends in the following report that outlines what went down during Sunday's Star Wars programming at MegaCon:

"We Star Wars fans only had the Collecting panel from Steve Sansweet, where he showed us some pictures from his new book (and I think some that didn't appeared on the book also!), and at the end, the two people from Reed Exhibitions gave away some more beach balls to the audience.

Again, Steve told us just a couple of little things about CV. First, he confirmed that the show will use the entire West Building of the Orange County Convention Center, which is gigantic (and I think it's better that the one at LA for CIV). And second, he said that we can expect to see a digital showing of a movie that celebrates its 30th aniversary this year (maybe an HD version?).

Steve also mentioned that we can expect some great guests from all over the world for August, and that we'll have a great time when we fill the entire West Building with Star Wars fans!"

Thanks again Alvaro!

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