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High School Theater, SW Style Posted By Eric on January 13, 2010
Campbell High School in Litchfield, New Hampshire, may be one of the coolest high schools in the country. In just a week, Campbell High will put on a play inspired by the Star Wars films, entitled, "Tales of the Jedi Kid." The play was adapted from a script that social studies teacher Justin Ballou wrote ten years ago for an assignment at his own high school.
When students learned that their school would be presented a play with a Star Wars theme, the theater department saw its "largest and most varied cast yet for a non-musical production." Ballou, who will be directing the play, also noted that this play saw a large percentage of male participants -- 40% this time around.
According to an article on the Nashua Telegraph, "Tales of the Jedi Kid" centers on the colorful imagination of elementary school Star Wars fan "Lucas Georgio." The play tells the tale of how Georgio mixes reality with fantasy for some intriguing results in everyday life.
The article mentions that "excitement among the cast is high," and that the director has "the utmost confidence" in the play's actors. Given all the enthusiasm, I think it's fair to say that this performance will be more interesting than Squid Lake.
Check out the Nashua Telegraph article -- which includes some photos of the cast and rehearsal -- right here!
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.