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Clone High School Musical Posted By Dustin on June 19, 2008
Here's a funny video clip from Spencer B.
He mentioned in his email he made this for the fan film awards but it was rejected because he used the song from High School Musical.
I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that he got rejected or the fact that he has seen the High School Musical, and decided to combine it with Star Wars! Ha! Thank you! I'll be here all week....
The animation is pretty good though, check it out for yourself, just click the video clip below to watch!
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.