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George Lucas Honored In Chicago

Posted By Mike on June 16, 2009

Jimmy Mac of your weekly Force-Cast reports:


Last night, George Lucas was honored in Chicago by The Gene Siskel Film Center with a huge banquet and interview by Jon Favreau, who flew in directly from the set of Iron Man 2. The night was aptly titled An Adventure With George Lucas, and it certainly was! George, casually dressed in a sportcoat and blue jeans, was accompanied by Mellody Hobson as he met with the throngs of media and fans packed into the main ballroom at Chicago?s swanky Four Seasons Hotel. The event was a sell-out with proceeds going to support the Gene Siskel Film Center and attendees were able to compete in a live auction for film memorabilia and a trip to the red carpet premiere of Iron Man 2. The well-dressed audience dined on a menu inspired by the films of Lucas, including such culinary delights as Roasted Tauntuan Tenderloin with Imperial Wine Sauce, Dagobah Swamp Bass, and Whipped Potatoes with RancorRadish. Following the fabulous meal, Jon Favreau conducted an hour-long discussion with George that mostly focused on his technological and artistic contributions to cinema, including his advancements in digital film making, creation of his company, and his hobby of architecture. During the interview, Lucas claimed rules do not work and he stressed the need to think outside the box. George said he developed new film making technologies was because he was lazy and wanted the easiest way to concentrate his attention on the fun aspects of movie making. Lucas also informed attendees that he is working on literally 40 screenplays for television including the development of a second Star Wars animated series. The captive audience hung on every word and the evening ended with a standing ovation for the revolutionary director.

Make sure to catch Jimmy's interview with The Maker (among others) from the event right here!

UPDATE: As promised, check out Jimmy Mac's fantastic pictures from the event! Click on the pictures above and below for larger views.

UPDATE #2: A few new pics added!

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