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That's What is Great About Star Wars fans

Today I went out to my mailbox after work and have several envelopes and a tube from people who's names I didn't recognize. My wife gave me that quizzical "who are these people?" look and I opened the packages.

First up, an envelope from a Star Wars fan named Kelly that sent me a card for the cameos page, the one that featured Steve Sansweet, Ira Friedman, Robri Eiba and Bob Woods. I had casually mentioned on that page how we would love a scan of that card to show how they were hidden into the movie. Well, they wrote in and said they couldn't scan it, but did happen to have an extra copy of the card and would mail it out right away. Well, it was in the mail this afternoon. That's what is great about Star Wars fans.

Next, there was a deal with Jake Lloyd in New York lately, where they were giving out free posters and other Star Wars related goodies. Without even mentioning anything, one of our visitors named Mike emailed in to ask if we were interested in getting a copy of the posted. Both Scott and I mentioned that we were interested, and a few days later, the poster came, all wrapped up in a tube and everything to insure proper shipping and handling. That's what's great about Star Wars fans.

I remember the Star Wars Celebration this past May in Denver, CO. Without anyone eveny knowing my name and that I was with TFN, we all beared together and had a great time despite the rain, mud, and overpopulation. We packed into the arenas and exhibition tents and joked about everything and all taked shop, well, Star Wars. I can't remember anyone being insensitive to the tragedy in Columbine just a week or two before, in fact, quite a bit of money was raised to support the young people and their families. I took time to visit and pray for the high school, as I am sure many of the other convention goers did as well. That's what is great about Star Wars fans.

There's something that sets apart the Star Wars fan from any other group. There normal compassionate human beings with real world jobs and families. They like a series of movie that have impacted their lives and their upbringing. I did an interview for 20/20 while we were in Denver (with Roderick from the Virtual Edition) and enjoyed it immensly because it demonstrated this fact so clearly. There's something different about Star Wars fans. For the most part, I would say that those were good, normal people with a heart for the message of Star Wars.

So what's the point of this editorial? (And no, it's not to get you to mail me more free stuff) I just want to thank the legions of fans, and you, for being caring, giving and friendly. Something this world certainly needs more of.

Joshua Griffin
October 14th, 1999

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