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Canon = Personal Preference

The matter of what can be considered "Star Wars Canon" has always been a controversial one. Star Wars was originally the set of three movies, but over time it has expanded, as most marketing gold mines do :) , into the realms of books, comics, CCG, computer games, and so on. The creation of these new expansions has involved new stories based on the material of the original movies, penned by independent authors, etc. So what is considered the Official Events that Took Place in the Star Wars Universe, i.e. canon... Is canon defined by George Lucas? GL accepts and/or authorizes the new material, as far as I know. Does this mean that he likes all of the new material? Maybe. He allowed the Outrider to be seen in SW:SE. But who really knows? Having taken this position, George & co. now actually leave the question up to the individual fan. He takes the safest, most secure route: give the budding talent authors, sci-fi writer dilletantes, comic artists, etc. (SW fans all, obviously) the creative freedom they desire, and let the fans fight it out- ...er, decide for themselves. Here begins the question that all Star Wars fans must eventually ask themselves: "When I think of Star Wars, should I think of just the movies, or everything else as well? In my mind, does the SW Universe contain just the events of the movies, or also those of the (books, comics, you name it)?" Purists say "Just the Movies". Others accept the new material. It can't really be divided up into black and white, though. Are there people who accept everything? I doubt it. I know people who like SOME of the books, but absolutely refuse to regard certain novels as "canon". Again, it becomes entirely personal. I, for example, refuse to accept that the Emperor was cloned, as it makes Anakin's sacrifice (not to mention the Rebellion) pointless. This would seem to give me purist leanings, right? But on the other side of the coin, I also can't really accept the worm in the asteroid in TESB for some reason. This is just how I feel; It is neither wrong nor right, it is relative. The whole scenario ultimately degenerates into an "us vs. them" argument: relative personal standpoints, pointlessly fighting to be absolute (Much the same as the Star Trek vs. Star Wars question). I'll admit that I'm not always as detached and accepting as I should be, but that's natural. It is the hallmark of a Star Wars fan to respect others views; just so long as we all hold to this ideal, we will stay on the right track.

Terrence Daniels

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