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Star Wars Celebrity Addresses - Mailing Tips

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tips

The following is a checklist of items you should follow when writing to any of the addresses listed. If you do these things, you'll greatly increase your chances of getting a response! Now listen carefully.

  • Write a POLITE letter REQUESTING that they sign an autograph. Remember, if you want an autograph, it is them doing you a favor. They don't owe it to you, so make sure you use your "PLEASES" and "THANK YOU's". Your ma would be proud.

  • Say specifically how you would like them to sign whatever you send. It helps.

  • If you want an autograph, send them something to sign. Not all stars have 8x10's to send you. DON'T SEND SOMETHING YOU CAN'T REPLACE!!!! Mail tends to get lost or destroyed by post office gorillas. If you can't live with it being shredded, don't send it.

  • Send a self addressed, stamped package for them to return the goodies in. You may never see it again if you don't give them a way to return it to you. It's also rude to expect them to pay postage.

  • Make sure what you send is well protected. If not, it might show up at their desk in more pieces than you sent it in. Get solid, sturdy mailers that won't give up without a fight. Your stuff may depend on it.

  • Don't necessarily expect a reply. Sometimes stuff is signed and returned quickly, sometimes it can take a year. In any case, don't get in a huff. They don't call it snail mail without a reason.

  • If you have success or don't hear back from someone in a reasonable amount of time, let us know. That's how we'll keep our list up to date.

That should get you started. Good luck...and May The Force Bet With You.

Additional tips from Autograph hound Jan Niemeier

Abbreviations in autograph collecting:

Most common definitions

  • ISP = personalized photo with signature (and dedication)
  • SP = signed photo
  • SL = signed letter
  • SC / STC = signed card / signed trading card
  • Pic = photo without signature from the star

Types of non-authentic signatures

  • Autopen = item signed by a specific machine
  • Pre-print = autograph under the gloss of the photo (massproduction)
  • Secretary = letter written by the star?s secretary
  • Secreterial = photo signed by someone other than the star
Helpful Hints
  1. When requesting an autograph make sure you are polite. Celebrities are more likely to respond to someone who is polite than someone who is rude and ignorant.
  2. You should mention something you like about the celebrity so they know you are interested in their work, and not just their autograph.
  3. To increase the chances of a response you should use a Self-Addressed-Stamped-Envelope. ( SASE ) This is so the celebrity doesn't have to pay postage. Most celebrities send out 8x10 pictures, so make sure you use an envelope that can hold it. ( 9x12 ).
  4. When mailing to another celebrity in another county ALWAYS include at least 1 IRC better 2 IRC cards for the celebrity to trade in at their post office for postage. IRC's can be bought at your local post office.
  5. Keep the letters short. Celebrities get a lot of mail and don't have time to read long letters.
  6. Make sure the letter is written neatly. The celebrity has to be able to read what you wrote. You might want to try typing the letter out.
  7. Make sure you give the letter time. If you don't get a response in a week don't keep sending letters. Some requests won't be answered for weeks, months, or years. Some celebrities won't answer you at all. So have patience!! Delays and lost mail are common so please be patient. Most celebrities respond within a 60-90 period but some take up to 1 year or more.
  8. Do you think sending SASE are too much money? If you do than you might want to try writing on 3x5 index cards or postcards. They are a lot cheaper than sending SASE, but you have a better chance of getting a response with a SASE.
  9. Make sure that you spell every word correct, especially the celebrity's name. Also make sure you wrote the celebrity's address correctly.
  10. Some autograph collectors put a 3x5 index card in with the letter. This will give you a chance to get the celebrity to autograph a picture and the index card you sent them. Some collectors also send a picture of the celebrity to see If they will sign it.
  11. Never send anything you cant afford to lose. Unfortunately items do get lost, or discarded and in some celebrity cases kept. Rule of thumb is : If want it, don't send it.
  12. It might be a good idea if you keep track of you requests. I keep track of the celebrity I sent for, the address of the celebrity ( A lot of celebrities have more than one address ), the date I sent for it, if the letter was returned to me ( Like a Return To Sender ), and the date I received the autograph.
  13. The most important rule is have fun writing and receiving. Good luck with your collection.
Tips on Collecting Autographs

Writing to celebrities to request an autograph is a fun and relatively inexpensive hobby. And by following a few standard guidelines, the "return" on your investment of time and some postage can be very rewarding. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Most of the celebrities get a LOT of mail every day. Many have assistants to help them process their mail, but some actually do handle it themselves. Don't be surprised if it takes several weeks or even months to get a response. Musicians and authors might be in the middle of a "deadline" project, or an actor might be filming on location, possibly out of the country. Fan mail does not usually take priority over those things. Just be patient. When requesting an autograph or any promotional items, always (ALWAYS) include a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). Not only is it common courtesy, in many cases it is the only way you will get a response.

  • There is a debate over whether to hand-write or type your letters; I always type mine to avoid any problems with legibility, and I have gotten pretty good response. Your letter should definitely be no more than a single page (a long letter usually won't get read). You should first mention your admiration for the person's work (movie, book, political work, whatever they do), and then make sure you ASK for the autograph.

Method Of Getting Autographs

Take a 9x12 envelope and fold it in half with your return address and postage provided. Mark on this return envelope "DO NOT BEND - PHOTO ENCLOSED". Put it in another 9x12 envelope with your letter to the celebrity. That way, they have your return address, and they are not out any money.

Be sure to clip any other items you are sending for signature, such as a 3x5 index card or sports trading card(s) to be signed, to your letter. By postal regulations, they must deliver the returned envelope to you even if the weight is excessive when returned with the item(s) inside. In addition, some celebrities will add some postage to the envelope. And if not, I just pay the postage due when it arrives (why pay more if you don't have to?). I think it is a good idea to keep track of when you send a letter, the address you sent it to, and when you receive a response. For me that is just part of the enjoyment of the hobby, keeping it organized.

This is just the way I do it. Other people have different procedures with good results, too.

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