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Differences if Tarantino directed Star Wars - Part 2
By The Movie Boys

We feel since the release of the Kill Bill movies the Top 46 Differences if Tarantino directed Star Wars needs some updating, so here are some updates:

  1. Luke now meets Yoda and Obi-Wan's ghost in a bar, Yoda (The Bar Keep) keeps telling Obi-Wan to get Luke some Soup.

  2. On Dagobah, when Luke has his vision of Han & Leia in trouble on Cloud City, the screen goes red and the "IRONSIDE" theme plays.

  3. Instead of choking him with the force, Vader slices off Ozzel's head and gives the speech: "As your leader, I encourage you from time to time, always in a respectful manner, to question my logic . . . ."

  4. Instead of carbonite, Han is now placed in Hospital with Buck (PG Rating Dies a screaming death)

  5. Stormtroopers now bleed........alot. (See comment above about PG Rating)

  6. The scene where Anakin avenges his mother's death now done in anime!

  7. Anakin calls Obi-Wan a "useless old Jedi", Obi-Wan snatches out Anakin's eye

  8. Instead of letting him fall down the air shaft, Vader throws Luke into his trunk after cutting off his hand and takes him to a Japanese hospital

  9. Stormtroopers now called "The Crazy 88,000,000"

  10. Darth Maul to Obi-Wan: "That really was a Honzi Lightsaber."

  11. The scene where Vader walks off shuttle craft is now accompanied by the Oshi theme.

  12. Han now shoots Greedo though a cereal box.

  13. Luke now wears a yellow jump suit.

  14. A pregnant Amidala leaves Anakin to escape.......oh wait, that did happen!

  15. Princess Leia's "Jabba's Palace" disguise replaced with a nurse outfit, complete with Red Cross eye patch.

  16. A lightsaber fight on HOTH (in the snow!!!!!)

  17. Darth Vader to the Emperor: "That boy deserves his revenge, and we deserve to die".

  18. Lando says: "I should have been Black Mamba!"

  19. Instead of mentally stacking rocks, Yoda teaches Luke how to put his fist through a wooden wall.

  20. Vader to Luke: "I killed Obi-Wan now I'm gonna kill you, with your master's lightsaber!!

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