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Top 46 Differences if Tarantino directed Star Wars
by the readers of TheForce.Net

Okay, the Tarantino fans went wild with this, while others in the dark about who this great director is asked, "Is that like a kind of pasta?" If you're in the know, you'll dig the list. If not... hey, there's a new submission contest up, check the page! (And rent Pulp Fiction if you're old enough!)

46. Stormtroopers are spray-painted so they aren't all "Mr. White"
by Timberline_Ridge

45. Darth Vader dances around as he tortures Han Solo to the song "Stuck In The Middle With You." Then he looks at the guard and says "Bring in the gimp."
by AshFalling

44. Mace Windu with a 'fro.
by Keith

43. Releasing the episodes in the order of 6,3,2,4,5, and finaly 1 just so people wont notice how uninteresting the entire hexilogy is.
by Bildo Baggens

42. John Williams score replaced by surf music.
by Peregrin Toker

41. Everyone dies. EVERYONE.
by Greedo

40. Anakin would give Padame a foot masage after which he gets trown off the balcony by Mace Winu settleing the arguement once and for all...
by The Dougger

39. Womp rats may taste like pumpkin pie but I'd never know 'cause I'll never eat the filthy *&$*@&!&@*#*
by Lantern

38. Instead of handing Luke his fathers lightsaber, Ben gives him some vampire stakes, holy water, and a huge submachinegun.
by Greedo

37. Yoda: "Hungry, I am. Taco, we will get."
by Sithwitch_13

36. Anakin and Padme doing the bat-dance
by Lord VT

35. Mace Windu tells Padme, "Try not to tear his robes off, OK? They're new."
by Jophis

34. There would be confusion throughout the movie, until the end, when Yoda and Obi-Wan sneak out the back, as all the remaining Jedi kill each other.
by Jophis

33. When a Stormtrooper empties his blaster and doesnt hit Han or Luke, Luke thinks it was divine intervention...
by Randall Flagg

32. Instead of hands, the Skywalkers now get their ears cut off
by Randall Flagg

31. Jabba would have a band-aid on the back of his neck, sparking endless online debate
by Randall Flagg

30. Obi-Wan refuses to tip Dexter, and takes 10 minutes to explain why
by Randall Flagg

29. "Death Stick?" "I quit." (pause) "Why, you got one?"
by Max Dweebo

28. "Say Utini again... SAY UTINI AGAIN! I DARE YOU! I DOUBLE DARE YOU M...F....!!!"
by Randall Flagg

27. Mace Windu would always quote The Journal of the Whills before he killed someone...
by Randall Flagg

26. Screw that, I'm watching Godzilla vs. Disco Lando!
by RyanW

25. Instead of the Death Star destroying planets, the Empire would have a briefcase that did it.
by shaft

24. Rumours that R2-D2 is really carrying Tarkin's soul
by Oxymoron

23. Han Solo and Lando Calrisian in the cantina talking about what Sy Snootles *really* sings about (this is the point where they say screw the PG rating)
by Rappertunie

22. Natalie Portman in a gold bikini - for the entire movie
by Rappertunie

21. Don't be tellin' me about no Jedi's - I'm the Jedi f---in' master
by Alexi Fett

20. Obi-Wan - The way your dad looked at it, this lightsaber was your birthright. He'd be damned if any of the jawas were gonna get their greasy yellow hands on his boy's birthright.
by Alexi Fett

19. "On Kessel, it's legal to buy it, legal to own it, and if you're the proprietor of a spice mine, it's legal to sell it."
by Jraysen

18. Bocce!!!!, do you speak it?!?!
by Darth Mentos

17. Lot's and lot's of Death sticks. And you wouldn't even have to rethink your life.
by Kenpasck

16. Sign on front lawn that says "Dead Jawa Storage."
by Cirrocco

15. In Return of the Jedi the film ends with The Emperor and Darth Vader shooting each other just before the Stormtroopers arrive.
by Kar'Ghun

14. Greedo gets shot while sitting in the bathroom on the Millenium Falcon.
by Kar'Ghun

13. Luke:"Obi-Wan, what's that name supposed to mean?" Obi-Wan:"I'm a Jedi, our names don't mean ****."
by Conehead2187

12. "Bantha-burgers! The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast!"
by Dafoe

11. pulp fanfiction
by Dav Corwenna

10. Instead of Obi Wan, Luke talks to the ghost of Elvis.
by Krakes

9. "Well, the thing on my mind right now isn't the good coffee in my cup, it's the dead gungan in my garage." <-- much better writing, as seen in this Anakin quote.
by Darth Uh Oh

8. Whenever Mace Windu turns on his lightsaber he says "Oh, I'm sorry did I break yo concentration?"
by crimsonboyy

7. (as the emperor zaps luke) "...and you will know I AM A SITH when i lay my hands upon thee!!!"
by the one joke monkey

6. "Well, you've got a cool name like TK-421. How about I just be TK-705? I'll be TK-705."
by SagaMasterXK

5. There goes the PG rating!
by Dracos

4. Yoda: "Your weapons... you will undoubtedly need them!"
by Steven

3. It take 20 parsecs to get there. I'll be there in 10
by Starry Knight

2. Han shots first...over...and over...and over...and over...
by Darth Sillious

1. When the interrogation droid approaches leia "Stuck in The Middle with You" starts playing
by Jaster

Check out If Tarantino directed Star Wars - Part 2.

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