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Star Wars Sequels: Rumors About Timeframe, Characters

Posted By Eric on November 4, 2012

We have two new sets of rumors about Star Wars Episode VII for you today. The first one comes from Marketsaw, the very same blog that posted on October 21, 2009 that "George Lucas is preparing to unleash another STAR WARS trilogy upon us." That rumor seemed far-fetched at the time, but now Marketsaw, which had previously reported rumors that turned out to be correct, appears to have been vindicated yet again. Here are some of the best quotes from their secret source's new report:

"The movies I told you about are indeed the primary focus. Luke Skywalker is a primary focus, as are many of the original trilogy cast."



"Movies 10 - 12 are from my understanding about the offspring of the Skywalkers, set many years later with the surviving cast playing much older versions of themselves and featuring a female protagonist named Skywalker."


"Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, C3PO and R2D2 are I am assured to feature prominently in the new trilogy, as was always the idea. Apparently some have already been approached. Quite a while back too to my understanding. Hamill is a certainty."

Wow, that is a lot of rumor material! Now, naturally, there's a tendency to instantly discount this information as pure fiction. However, as we've already noted, Marketsaw's sources have accurately predicted developments in the Star Wars universe before. We'll just have to wait and see if their scoops were right yet again.

Now we move on to the blog Nerdvana, where writer Dustin Diehl has the following for us:

I have a few connections at Lucasfilm and here?s what one of them divulged:

?A writer and director have already been selected.?

When asked if Episode VII is set 50 years or so after VI, they responded with:

?Think further out.?

Further out than fifty years after Return of the Jedi? That doesn't exactly square with Marketsaw's collection of sequel trilogy rumors. In any event, we are just a few years away from finding out who was right about what details.

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