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SW Makes TCM's Influential Movie List Posted By Mike on April 15, 2009
Turner Classic Movies have unveiled their list of the 15 most influential classic films, and Star Wars made the list at #15. That was too close! Click here for the full list and see below for the Star Wars related portion:
"A long time ago, in a Hollywood far away, movies only made their money from ticket sales. With Star Wars, however, new markets opened up for merchandising-- not just of toys-- but novels, comics, television series and eventually video games. Adding to what would become known as the "Star Wars Expanded Universe" were a series of sequels and prequels more tightly connected than in other franchises. Over the course of 28 years, George Lucas created a six-part serial that has grown into the epic tragedy of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Star Wars did more than create expanded economic opportunities. At a time when science fiction was relegated mostly to low-budget productions, Lucas' created a multi-million dollar sci-fi epic based on the Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers serials of his youth. The use of sophisticated special effects would have a lasting effect on future big-budget epics of all genres. His childhood obsessions helped a new generation of filmmakers, the movie nerds, dominate the screen. For Lucas, Star Wars was the chance to do his favorites right. His vision of a lived-in universe (he deliberately gave sets and props a used look) inspired later, more serious works like the Alien films and Blade Runner."