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Numerous Lists Featuring Star Wars

Posted By Mike on November 23, 2008

Apparently it's Star Wars list day and we have a number of links to Star Wars related lists below...

Galactic Binder brings us the "Top 10 Celebrities in Star Wars Clothes or Costumes." (Thanks Pete!)

Essenmitsosse.de lists "10 Reasons Why The Designs Of Star Wars Are Awesome" (Thanks Marcus!)

And 3 more via our friends at ClubJade.net...

ToplessRobot.com lists "The 10 Villains Who Deserved Better."

Flixster.com lists "8 Timeless Classic Movies That Critics Are Afraid Of."

Finally, from the Discover Magazine Blogs: "5 Greatest Space Operas (And No, Foundation Isn?t One Of Them)"

UPDATE: Some more lists via ClubJade.net...

io9.com lists "Science Fiction's Most Surprising Family Ties."

Biggs Darklighter makes an appearance in io9.com's list of the "12 Coolest Deaths In Science Fiction History>"

IGN brings us their list of the "Worst Star Wars Characters."

UPDATE #2: Jaina and Jacen Solo make an appearance in io9.com's list of "Science Fiction?s Fiercest Sibling Rivalries." (via ClubJade.net)

And for the adults, click here for the top 10 Star Wars phrases that should be followed by "That's what she said" at Geekstir.com.

UPDATE #3: The lists continue with...

Another IGN list of their favorite Star Wars characters.

IGN also lists their favorite toys from A New Hope.

TCritic.com offers up their choices for the top ten Star Wars t-shirts.

Thanks Ethan!

UPDATE #4: Topless Robot explains "The 5 Reasons Luke Skywalker Is a Complete Idiot." (via ClubJade.net)

Harrison Ford was voted the best movie president according to Moviefone.com. This was from a poll but the results are in the form of a list right? (Thanks Mike!)

UPDATE #5: Walyou.com lists the "16 Coolest Star Wars Characters in Gadgets and Mods."

UPDATE #6: More lists via our friends at ClubJade.net:

Wired lists "10 Geeky Movies That Should've Been Terrible, but Weren't" (Episode IV comes in at #2)

Han's blaster makes it onto SciFi.com's list of the "6 Baddest-Ass Sci-Fi Sidearms Ever"

io9.com takes a look at "30 Burning Sci-Fi Bromances."

UPDATE #7: Just stumbled a cross a couple more lists, even though the last update was only added an hour or 2 ago. Make sure to check those links out as well.

The Critical Critics list their "Top 10 Star Wars Movie Quotes."

Geeky Gadgets highlight "15 Cool Star Wars Gadgets."

UPDATE #8: Two new lists from Topless Robot: (via ClubJade.net)

"The 5 Reasons Padm? Amidala Is a Complete Idiot"
"The 10 Biggest Robot Bastards"

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