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Kyle Newman Developing Chewie

Posted By Mike on August 2, 2012

We're no strangers to Kyle Newman here at TFN thanks to his fantastically fun movie Fanboys and his many contributions to the ForceCast. It seems as though 2012 has been good to Kyle in regards to Star Wars as we recently learned he'd be voicing a character in The Clone Wars and Ben Quadinaros will finally be getting the Hasbro respect he deserves. Well his year in Star Wars just got a little better as The Hollywood Reporter has reported that Kyle secured the life rights to Peter Mayhew's story in order to develop the film Chewie. According to the source post, Chewie will center on Peter Mayhew's story in the mid 1970s as he balanced two professions; hospital worker and an actor in some new weird sci-fi flick. Both Peter Mayhew and Kyle Newman have confirmed this news on their respective social networking outlets.

As we reported back in December of 2011, the script for Chewie was penned by Evan Susser and Van Robichaux and initially ended up on Hollywood's Black List. This is not as negative as it sounds for the list is compiled to highlight a number of screenplays that were well liked even though they had yet to be produced. As is now happening with Chewie, screenplays get some publicity by being on the list in hopes of possibly being picked up.

We'll be sure to keep you posted as we learn more about this project. Until then, we're simply happy for both Kyle and Peter and can't wait to see where this all goes. As was the case with Fanboys, it will be a lot of fun to follow along the process.

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