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Indy IV Coming In 2008

Posted By Dustin on February 7, 2007

The official launch date for the upcoming Indiana Jones IV will be May 22nd 2008. Here's a brief snippet from Starwars.com -

"Star Wars fans have long thought of May as the birth-month of their beloved saga, and in 2008, they'll be welcoming a globetrotting archeologist to the party. While May 2007 marks the 30th anniversary of Star Wars, May 2008 marks the return of Indiana Jones in the fourth feature film reuniting Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford and George Lucas. Paramount has just announced the worldwide release date of Indy 4, so mark your calendars now: Thursday, May 22, 2008. Stay on top of the latest Indy announcements by checking out indianajones.com."

Thanks to everyone who wrote in with the news! Also, check out this fan made poster below I found over at Spielbergfilms.com. It's that classic Indiana look with an updated, older Indy portrayed by Harrison Ford.

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