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Indy 4 Rumors With Possible Spoilers

Posted By Mike on July 11, 2007

According to CHUD.com, we have some new Indy 4 rumors. Here is a bit of a breakdown:

POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT: If you want to be completely suprised when you see this movie in 2008, move on along to one of our other fine news stories and have a lovely day. Otherwise...

This does not give too many specific details but...

1. Though we already know of filming in New Haven, CT, it looks as though filming will also take place in New Mexico and Hawaii.

2. The opening scene will take place in Area 51 and will have Indy up against Russian agents.

3. Shia LaBeouf?s character will be a bit of a "greaser." (slick hair, leather jacket...) Shia's character and Indiana Jones will be thrown together in the adventure and will find out that they're related later in the movie.

4. The main storyline revolves around crystal skulls and pulls from "Chariots of the Gods," a book written in 1968 by Erich von D?niken. The book theorizes that technology and religion were given to ancient civilizations by aliens, whom the people worshipped as Gods.

5. Looks like the upcoming video game "Indiana Jones and the Staff of Moses" will be a stand alone title and not the official game of the movie.

Again, please remember this is all rumor and speculation at this point, but it is fun to hear. It should also be noted that CHUD.com is not known for putting random unsubstantiated rumors out there. So, we will see. For the full story at CHUD.com, click here.

UPDATE: A source who works for a film studio in New Mexico, that would like to remain anonymous, has contacted TFN to confirm that Indy 4 will be shooting in New Mexico just outside of Deming, somewhere in the desert. This looks to be happening sometime in June and the set may be faking as Morocco.

Many thanks to ???? :)

CHUD.com is reporting that Karen Allen will be back as Marion Ravenwood . Nothing official yet but Chud.com has been all over Indy 4 lately. Click here for the story.

UPDATE #3: Cate Blancett according to IESB.net will be the villian of Indy 4. Click here to check it out

UPDATE #4: Just in case you missed it...We reported some new casting news yesterday here.

Click here for some news on the New Mexico shoot at UPI.com.

UPDATE#5: Here are 2 new articles regarding the New Mexico shoot.

KOB.com - "?Indiana Jones? sequel to shoot in Luna County"

The Post Chronicle - "New Mexico Becoming Morocco For Indiana Jones Film"

UPDATE #6: Two more articles on the New Mexico shoot at LasCruces Sun-News.

"'Indiana Jones 4' to shoot near Deming"

"Hooray for Demingwood"


Rotten Tomatoes has a post giving a brief description of the Casting Call in New Haven and the shooting to happen in Deming, New Mexico. The last line in the post is the most interesting as it indicates that, newly announced cast member, John Hurt may be playing Albert Einstein. Just rumor at this point.

Click here to see the post.


Nothing major to report although it seems that according to Eonline.com, Shia LaBeouf, may have let it slip that there has been some filming at an Air Force base on the California coast. This slip came during a guest appearance on the Tonight Show. No word yet if Shia will be either frozen in carbonite or fed to Jaws for the slip.

Click here to check out the post at Eonline.com.

UPDATE #9: Click here for an article at the website of the Hawaii Tribune-Herald entitled; "Indiana Jones on the Big Island."

According to the article: "While secrecy has surrounded the project, the fourth installment of the Indiana Jones adventure series will film here for three weeks in August.

Location shooting will take place along the Hamakua Coast and Lucasfilm has opened a production office in Hilo. There is no word yet on any casting call or other local production hires.

UPDATE #10: Indy 4 news is coming in fast and furious as you might have noticed lately. Today we have a couple of links for you from extras in the Connecticut shoot. One of those extras possibly gives away what will be the opening shots of Indy 4. We will let you check it out in the links. Those wishing to be spoiler free, need not click the link.

New Haven Independent - "Extra, Extra...Early!"

Jaunted.com - "Movie Set Travel: That's Professor Indiana Jones To You" (this is the link with the SPOILER)

UPDATE #11: Here we have a few new tidbits and possible spoilers to get you started this weekend. So lets get into it...

First off, according to the New Haven Register and Film Ick, shooting has completed in Connecticut and the cast and crew are headed off to shoot in the rugged and harsh climate of...Hawaii. It's also rumored that Indy 4 will be light on their CG effects. We will see about that one.

Click here to go to the website of the New Haven Register. You can also go to the "Photo Share" section of the New Haven Register site for some set pick shared by Indy 4 extras. Click here. (Thanks to John S. for the heads up)

Click here to visit Film Ick for "No CG For Indiana Jones At All?"

RUMOR ALERT: Cinematical.com is reporting that "Lost" star Andrew Divoff has joined the cast of Indy 4. "Lost" fans will know him as the creepy Russian dude with the eye patch. Click here for the full report. We will let you know when we hear something official.

Finally, IESB.net has news of John Hurt playing Abner Ravenwood, a couple scene breakdowns and a video. Click here.

UPDATE #12: The circle is now complete...at least if the rumor mill has any basis in fact. Ain't It Cool News is reporting some new possible plot info for Indy 4 that takes us right back where we started. Click here to check it out.

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