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I refuse to subscribe to Hyperspace because corporate websites like starwars.com are marketing. Companies don't profit off other forms of advertising, so isn't it stupid to pay money for a glorified commercial? Especially when all or most of the "exclusive" Hyperspace content will wind up on a DVD anyway? Do you REALLY think Lucasfilm will go to all the time, trouble, energy and money to complete and Episode II scene that only Hyperspace subscribers will see? (by Trent)

I wasn't going to... but for $26 (Can) a year, I think I'd be willing to pay that for exclusive content. And no annoying ads! (by Fine Tyler)

Will subscribe. 2 reasons. #1: great fathers day gift from my wife and younglings and #2: this will be the last SW movie ever and I don't wanna miss anything I don't have to. (by Chris H.)

Pay for content that should be free? No way! Now I think it would be cool to see the web cam stuff from the site and the diaries of Episode III does look interesting but nothing will stay exclusive. I have already spent tons of $$ on SW merchandise, I collect the toys and the books. I'm not paying for something that should be free. (by Metallijedi)

Yes. The journal and webcam are what sealed the deal for me. It's as close to being there as I will ever get. (by padme1967)

I won't be subscribing because I joined the Star Wars Fan Club over ten years ago, and then one day there was no fan club. Then the magazine changed hands and editors and editors again...and I paid a higher subscription to be in the fan club (again). But somewhere along the way, the amount of attention given to the movies I fell in love with became less and less and worse yet, Lucasfilm seemed to ignore fans' opinions if those opinions weren't what they wanted to hear. This is case in point. (by FNA)

Yes, I'll be subscribing. I guess my love for all things Star wars outweighs any common (or financial) sense I may (or may not) have! (by Lisa)

Kind of late in the game for this. This would've been a good idea before the production of TPM because you'd have 3 movies to get exclusive information on, not one. After EPIII, what's Hyperspace's purpose? It's just another money sucker for the franchise. (by Darth Dogman)

Nope, can't afford it, otherwise it sounds great- but why do we have to pay for everything? I'm a student and will have to save every penny just to make it for the probably 15 bucks it'll cost to see the film when it comes out (as I can't go w/out popcorn). *sigh* the livecam sounded so cool . . . (by myself)

I did subscribe cos I'm a spoiler junkie! (by Darth Larry)


Yes I have subscribed to Hyperspace. I feel it will be the fastest way to get reliable Episode III info. (by Scott)

I was extremely disappointed to hear that starwars.com is the first in what I fear to be many wonderful websites to turn to pay-sites. I have been a devoted fan for years and have ponied up countless dollars for everything Star Wars, but this has crossed the line. Die hard Star Wars Fans are being taken advantage of. (by bobabeatle)

I don't need the spoilers that bad, time has been going so fast. It's not out today, but before I know it, I'm waiting in line to see it, then I am buying it on DVD, and then I've seen it to many times to count. (by John Vinci)

OMG, star wars fans will pay out their astromechs to get some rare star wars collectible, but can't cough up a mere $20 to subscribe to extra star wars content for a year? Greedy mistrust is their way now..... (by Notacheapskate)

I think that I CAN and WILL resist paying for Star Wars.com. I do not frequent the official site that much to begin with, and I refuse to pay for content. I don't want deleted scenes on a website, I want them on DVD! I was never too elated with the Lucas Select Pictures to start with. As for the Clone Wars cartoon, I can wait till the DVD release of it too. I am patient! (by Darth Jamus)

I'm a fan of the movies, not the hype. If George wants to promote his movies, I'm excited to participate, but in the end I'd rather know less than more about E3 before seeing the film, so I'm not interested in paying for additional daily hype. (by Gorbag)

I will not be subscribing to hyperspace for two reasons. The first is that I will be remaining spoiler free for Episode III. The second reason ties into the first, namely, Lucasfilm teases and promises the moon when it comes to revealing what is going on in production, but the fact is all the fans get are grainy, indecipherable pictures that don't add a great deal to the star wars experience. (by Justin A.)

No Way! I'm a huge Star Wars fan but this is just too much. They're really taking advantage of people. This stuff should be free. (by Andy)

The fee isn't much, but just about everything will appear elsewhere given time. I feel that this should have been an extension of the Fan Club. This could have very easily been a great opportunity for Lucas to reward his fans and still make money through the increase of new Fan Club memberships. (by Darth Vexed)

Absolutely. Only $20 a year! (by Jim)


Where's the free preview? I clicked on the Hyperspace link and was prompted to sign into StarWars.com or upgrade my membership. After signing in, I was shown a little clip of Admiral Ackbar saying somehting about going into hyperspace. Then I was just on the main page of StarWars.com. When I tried to click on a hyperspace article as noted by the yellow H, I was taken back to the sign in/upgrade page again. Ackbar should be saying, "It's a trap!" (by Darth Vexed)

Absolutely no way. Two reasons: 1. The sheer arrogance of Lucasfilm for even coming up with the concept. NO ONE should have to pay for what essentially amounts to nothing more than advertising; 2. After the last two films I'm not as into it as I once was, & I'm prepared to wait for the actual movie of EpIII - who knows, with less info I might enjoy it more; 3. (by Darth Nub)

yes...love more and more sw info. (by kv)

I'm happy to pay. It's a shame so many StarWars fans are to cheap to shell out $20 for a years worth of exclusive content. I realize alot of you are kids and don't have a credit card but you could still ask your parents. Heck, mow your parents lawn for a month or wash dishes or something to pay them back. Overall the content I've seen so far is worth $20. Being able to read Banthatracks from 1978 is worth it. (by Ellen K)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-174     
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