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How do you feel about NSync being in Episode 2?


That just makes me sick. What we will see is more of a Disney type Star Wars movie, and not the classic we all know and love. Casting *NSYNC proves this. (by joebuck)

They just don't belong in the movie, plain and simple. (by Zog)

So they'll be on for half a second in a crowd of a hundred people. Big deal. (by JohnTex)

We're just envious that we're not famous and can't ask Rick McCallum for a tiny role! :( (by Amy)

Jar-Jar and *NSYNC, what's the difference? They both make me laugh. (by Con-Bry Ray)

Adding a transitory fad element to a timeless work of art is the mistake here. It grounds the work in a definite time frame. What if George had a whim to give Shaun Cassidy in Empire? (by Pete Vilmur)

I'm totally disgusted now. I've been a fan since the first film in 77, and thought I'd be one for the rest of my life, but that has changed now. True fans care about the story, not ticket sales. Plus, we'll be the ones going back again and again (not now). These pop culture fans will see it once & that's it. (by Orin)

You will never find a more wretched band of scum and villainy. (by shaolin_jedi)

I honestly don't care. Nobody is even going to see them. It is going to be much too fast to even notice. People are making much too big a deal out of this. (by obi-deh)

*NSYNC? Don't these superstars get more than enough fame & glory. How about letting some of us 'nobody' fans in on this kind of action. THAT would be a real treat to some true fans of the Star Wars universe! (by darthphelps)


Who cares? They don't speak, you won't notice them unless you have a keen eye for extras. Jealousy that they're extras and you're not is stupid. (by Propp)

What! This is a dark day for Star Wars Fans. He didn't put pop stars in the New Hope. Why is he doing it now? (by kleja)

I think it's a bad idea to include pop stars in the film, it takes away the feeling, that's why George casts unknowns to play in it, to "keep it clean" from familiar faces. The point is to actually transport you instead of keep reminding you hey this guy is from this film or that girl acted better in that other movie. The pop stars are just gonna ruin the feeling. (by Jedi_Dark_Knight)

Even though you might not be able to see *NSYNC, you still know they are there. It's an abomination for all Star Wars! (by Brian)

Okay, I have to admit I do like *NSYNC. But I don't really want them to be in Star Wars. But if they're disguised in some way, that's okay. (by Jedi Giz)

I only wonder why Lucas didn't put KC and the Sunshine band in Episode IV. (by Ted Ehlers)

I have been a Star Wars fan since I was two. Episode I was lacking, but *NSYNC in Episode II is an insult. Now, I don't think I want to see Episode II. (by Bsieged, X-Fan)

It's Lucas' movie, and he can do what he wants with it. I'm a true Star Wars fan, and I will always love the galaxy "far, far away." (by Stack)

Why is it because you're a celebrity you get to be in Star Wars? There are millions of fan that wish they could be in Star Wars and who aren't. (by Nadim)

As long as they don't sing. Just when Star Wars fans couldn't get more jaded Lucas finds yet another way. (by HINESY)


I actually think it's very funny and I can't wait to see them. (by JP)

N-Sync, cool I think it's fine that they have a cameo in episode 2. Why the star wars universe is filled with all kinds of alien species. Hopefully Lucasfilm will be kind enough to pop a nice alien mask onto the heads of each of the group members, so we can enjoy the multi-ethnicity of star wars. (by fan 007007)

While it's a kick in the rear to all the fans that would love to be in the flick, there are perks that come with being famous. If the movie's good, I don't care who is in it. (by bousharde)

If Lucas wants this to be big with teenie boppers, might as well cast Carson Daly and the rest of the MTV pop stars. (by ericones)

I thought only union actors could be in the new Star Wars movies, but I guess an exception can be made for *NSYNC. Give me a break. (by Ed)

As long as no dialogue is spoke it's ok. Hey, they're just lucky fans. (by ShiftyJedi)

Big Deal - So they are extras - and they are fans, really. Who among us wouldn't trade places to be even an extra in AOTC?! (by Reb7)

This is worse than the rumours of Leo being Anakin in EP2. (by Ted Tschopp)

I hope that it won't effect the result of the movie. Still, the thought of *NSYNC freaks me out!! (by Darth Weirdo)

Please George. They are just in the background, don't give them a chance to peep a word (or note). (by jason)


Utter disappointment! Thanks but no thanks. I'll stick to the original. Can't wait for Spidey and LOTR! (by Balthazzar)

You have got be kidding me!!!!!! This is the worst thing possible! What's next - an *NSYNC remix of the theme! (by DARTH ZEMOG)

My own view is this - we all love Star Wars - and we all have views on what we think should and should not be in it. Jar Jar was fine for the first half - the Gungans did not move me in the final battle. Yes he is commercial, yes he is playing to people. But they are HIS movies, not ours. *NSYNC being in AOTC does not constitute selling out. (by Jonny)

Maybe we won't even see them because Jar Jar is inserted in front of them. (by Grey1)

"Attack of the Clones" has a whole new meaning now. (by tomservo)

I think that this is a terrible mistake made by Lucas, because we are his fans. We've bought the toys for the last 25 (or whatever years) and watch the movies everyday. I think this move is catering to a group of Star Wars fans that don't exist. I was so looking forward to Ep2! (by Leia the Princess)

As long as we don't hear them speak, and don't see them for more than 10 seconds, go for it. (by Jediwalker)

They may as well show the characters drinking Pepsi. (by Jon)

As long as it's just a bit part and they don't get their "groove" on it doesn't bother me. (by Richard Girouard )

The allure of Star Wars is that it takes us away from the real world. If you keep putting familiar faces into these films, it detracts from what the film gives us. Keep the cameos out and fill extras with the catering crew instead! (by chris)


Looking through some of the other submissions here, it made me wonder: would you all be complaining so loudly if it HAD been Britney or Christina or somebody in the same position. Is this a reaction that would be difference were our male tendencies affecting our judgement? (by Mission)

Bad move, but we will see how it turns out. (by Justin)

Is Lucas trying to destroy the legacy the original trilogy gave us? First there were the stupid, childish, bathroom humour moments in Episode I and now a boy band in Episode 2! I know Lucas doesn't think much of his fans, but why is he trying so hard (by Dan Anderson)

These guys have no place in SW! That's like that rumour about Lara Fabian and Celine Dion, but now that I think about it, I don't really care! I'll be too wrapped up in watching the movie to even be thinking "Oh No! *NSYNC is in this scene". (by Bail-AnBillies)

Is this a joke? *NSYNC? What about Britney? You really gotta be kidding. I just can't believe it ! (by Darth Spawn)

What a load of rubbish! I understand that *NSYNC is a popular group, but to put them in one of the most respected movies of all time is a very bad decision. It takes away the sense that the action is taking place in a galaxy far far away. I hope he's gonna cut that scene. (by AnthonyG)

Does this mean Britney has to whisper in someone's ear and *poof* she's in Star Wars? Can't wait to see who worms their way into Episode III now. (by Sean)

Like all Star Wars Fans... :::Sobbing::: Why, Mr. Lucas? WHY?! (by Robo555)

I can't believe it. Every Star Wars fan would want to be in the movie. Why should they be allowed to do it because they're famous?? It's very, very poor. Come on George, don't put it in. (by Craig Donnachie)

2 seconds of boy bands - who cares! It's all about the story here! (by Kinetic)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250, 251-300,
301-350, 351-400, 401-450, 451-500, 501-550, 551-600,
601-650, 651-700, 701-750, 751-760     
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