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Got your EPI DVD?
What do you like about it, don't you like & what should have been added (except AOTC trailer)


LIKED: Everything but. DIDN'T LIKE: in my (UK) version scenes of McCallum swearing were dubbed out, dvd briefly freezes when Qui Gon and Anakin enter his house. SHOULD HAVE ADDED more of the Beginning (by Rob)

LIKED: The menus. DIDN'T LIKE: Very little regarding the DVD. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: More deleted scenes with fighting and I wish the documentary was 2 hours long. (by Kevin S. Held)

LIKED: Everything. All the featurettes were great. DIDN'T LIKE: It's hard to say anything bad. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: If there's one thing that's great about deleted scenes it's when there's an option to see them cut into the movie, that would've made it a bit better. (by Doug)

LIKED: Documentaries,Sound/Picture quality. DIDN'T LIKE: DVD-Rom deal. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Unedited/completed final duel (by AotC)

LIKED: For the most part, the entire DVD exceeded my expectations. I loved "The Beginning" the most. DIDN'T LIKE: The commentary. It's not that I didn't like it, it was just not what I expected. I would have loved to have had Lucas just discussing Star Wars and not have all the technical speak. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: A 3rd Disc so they could have extended "The Beginning" documentary. (by BubbaWanKenobi)

LIKED: Seems like a well-done transfer. DIDN'T LIKE: The dvd-exclusive web link--or rather, the alleged web link, refuses to work. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Some besides the godawful dodgy dvd-rom software (by msl)

LIKED: the packaging, BUT, the extended pod-race rev up scene was a bit overdone, just an excuse to throw in some more cute muppett-like characters! DIDN'T LIKE: the pause at 1 Hour 09 Mins (anyone else get that?), SHOULD HAVE ADDED: more MAUL !!! More Celtic Kinghts etc. ALL deleted scenes re-instated (He had the room), and perhaps a prelude (not teaser/trailer) to Episode II... (by Ron Saavedra)

LIKED: the behind the scenes clip where after the first viewing everybody's face & silence show's they know just how bad it really is. DIDN'T LIKE; the awful extra scenes to the pod race, which look like a DVD after thought. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: a jar jar/boss nass/ gungan free edit (by KEV)

LIKED: all of it. DIDN'T LIKE: The Dutch version doesn't have dutch subtitles for the commentary, and DVD-rom exclusive, our PC isn't good enough for that. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Dutch subtitling for the commentary. (by Threo)

LIKED: the format, and how CLEAN the movie was, liked the extra scenes and the commercials, the teaser one was my favorite from the beginning. DIDN'T LIKE: that there weren't more deleted scenes- wasen't there one where Obi-Wan shorts out his saber in the swamp? And what about that toy in the stores with the fish thing and Qui-Gon- was that a scene filmed that did not make the cut? SHOULD HAVE ADDED: maybe a way to get more of the back stpry on Qui-Gon and Obi-wan, like a book on screen summery (by jedichic07)


LIKED: All of it. DIDNT LIKE: Nothing. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: A special special edition so you can watch the movie with the cut scenes. Who knows? Maybe thats an Easter Egg on the DVD! (by PodRacerX)

LIKED: The extra features. DVD is a hobby of mine and I have quite a collection of discs. None have extra features that I would watch more than once, like this one does. Also, the 5.1 track is awesome. Best DVD track ever. DIDN'T LIKE: Some deleted scenes added back into movie.... I thought the FX weren't up to par and slowed the movie down. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Nothing I can think of... it was a pretty tight set. (by Adam Lenhardt)

LIKED: the fact that it's finally here. DIDN'T LIKE: that Macintosh users get screwed again by Lucasfilm per the dvd-rom. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: a completed/extended lightsabre dual with all the catwalk jumping and fighting.It so adds to the Vertigo feeling of the space in that generator chasm! (by David Below)

LIKED: The Sandcrawler racing the pods at the end of the deleted scenes documentary. DIDN'T LIKE: The very PG version of "The Beginning". SHOULD HAVE ADDED: A Commentary with Liam, Ewan, Natialie, Jake, George, and Rick. Also the scene with Obi-Wan in the swamp before he is attacked by the STAP. Plus, more Jar Jar! (by JarJarJedi)

LIKED: The movie and the excellent documentary. DIDN'T LIKE: The menus, pretty but in the world of uniform, collectors edition legendary film type menus, a bit too tacky. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Where was the fox special about ILM with Sam Jackson? (by Jim Keily)

LIKED: The much improved clarity of the DVD as compared to the VHS widescreen, and a longer podracing scene. DIDN'T LIKE: The fact that it was just in widescreen. Others (not me) might prefer "full screen" SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Would of enjoyed seeing the swamp scenes; Qui-Gon teaching his padawan, (lightsaber shorted out) and more Darth Maul scenes to improve the aptitude of this character, instead of having him be a simple "yes" man. (by Quigoni)

LIKED: Just about everything, especially Podrace lap 2 and Anakin/Greedo fight. DIDN'T LIKE: That stupid "Dawn before the Race" cut scene, really terrible. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Multiple commentaries (Lucas alone), Burtt alone, etc. Plus MAC DVD-ROM LINK. (by Rob Keil)

LIKED: Documentaries and deleted scenes. DIDN'T LIKE: PC-only web content, blooper reel too short! SHOULD HAVE ADDED: A version of the entire film with no special effects. (by Michael)

LIKED: Just about everything! DIDN'T LIKE: Not much. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: The other cut scenes that show up in bits and pieces throughout the documentaries, but are never shown. Parts of the cut duel footage show up four times! (by Jabba the Mutt)

LIKED: overall excellent quality, low pricing, interface & chapter divisions (50). DIDN'T LIKE: nothing for now. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: a better "inlay booklet" (some clean pics) & seamless branching maybe (by Simon V.)


LIKED: incorporated parts of deleted scenes DIDN'T LIKE: Too hard to get the bloopers on the iMac SHOULD HAVE ADDED: longer teaser of episode 2 at the end of "The Beginning" (by Toad)

LIKED: Menus, "The Beginning", Lynne's Diary, Cut Scenes. DIDN'T LIKE: Special features focus more on action sequences than storyline/mythology, Starfighter plug, DVD-ROM-only enhancements. SHOULD HAVE HAD: Bill Moyers interview, gallery of conceptual artwork (maybe with comparisons to finished product) (by Whimper)

LIKED: Deleted Scenes were great. Especially when the Tuskens are taking shots at the scavenging Jawas. DIDN'T LIKE: The DVD navigation and the difficulty of accessing DVD-ROM easter eggs. The DVD only connection to SW.com is really poorly thought out. We jump through enough hoops because of Lucas. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: More deleted scenes. I'd also would've liked the option to view the entire movie with all the deleted scenes inserted. Who cares how long the movie would be to a fan. (by TroyRex)

LIKED: the general setup of the disc and its "quantity". DIDN'T LIKE: many of the missing tidbits I expected, such as the Qui-Gon/Maul ramp scene (that part looks horribly cut without it), Obi-Wan swamp, etc. (by Jason Hughes)

LIKED: the terrific sound. DIDN'T LIKE: some of the cheesy dialogue (a warning for Episode 2). SHOULD HAVE ADDED: an extra hour to the documentary. (by Michael)

LIKED: The deleted scens where cool and beautiful, the pod race sequence sound is amazing. DIDN'T LIKE: the video game thing. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: all the deleted scenes that were missed and under a minute. Everyone knows which ones I mean. (by RAIN)

LIKED: That almost 90% of the pod racer scene was included in the movie. DIDN?T LIKE: The scene when ObiWan shortscircuit his saber was not included or finished. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Definitely. More Darth Maul. (by BB)

LIKED: Added footage, and bloopers reel. DIDN'T LIKE: Some footage was removed. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Character Bios (by Chris Alberry)

LIKED: Almost everything, great 1st Star Wars DVD. DIDN'T LIKE: "Dawn before the race" Useless and FX wasn't too good either, all easter eggs - why not make them available in the first place? SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Obi-Wan swamp scene, more about making the music, actor. One thing: STOP PC DVD-ROM ONLY ACCESS, what about Mac Users? And more deleted scenes, even with blue/green screen (maybe layer them on top via angle button) (by Jean-Denis Haas)

LIKED: The film was upgraded from its original release with a few deleted scenes and upgraded backgrounds (especially in the senate... if you look close enough). DIDN'T LIKE: The making of Starfighter was a waste of space, the dvd was made for Episode I, not to promote a video game which 5 years from now will be outdated! SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Greedo's brawl with Anakin and Qui-Gon slashing the probe droid with his lightsaber... these 2 babies were too cool to let them slip by. (by Cesar)


LIKED: Seeing behind the scenes footage and the deleted scenes. DIDN'T LIKE: Not as much special features as I was expecting. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: More behind the scenes footage and more interviews with the actors. (by AJP)

LIKED: The outtakes, the documentaries. DIDN'T LIKE: They never deal with the hatred of Jar Jar. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: More interview footage with Ray Park (by BOMRye)

LIKED: The deleted scenes and documentaries. DIDN'T LIKE: animatronics stuff - who cares? SHOULD HAVE ADDED: more stuff on Darth Maul, more behind-the-scenes jedi fighting stuff. (by Spectre5000)

LIKED: Awesome picture and sounds. Inclusion of deleted scenes. Menus are very cool. DIDN'T LIKE: Not much. EP1 tries too hard to satisfy plot objectives, especially the whole Anakin part. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Why not all deleted scenes? Definately an EP2 trailer. (by garbunzl)

LIKED: Deleted scenes, trailers, documentary, DVD-ROM only website ;-P. DIDN'T LIKE: Commentery focused too much on process and not enough on the story. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Actor commentary, more lightsabre deleted scenes/outtakes (by Wydok)

LIKED: How much of the extras were Anamorphic, as well as the movie itself. The sound was great! "The Beginning" documentary set a new standard for others to follow. DIDN'T LIKE: A few of the deleted scenes. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: More to "The Beginning" documentary! Cut other content, add a third disc, do whatever it takes, I could watch hours of this stuff! (by jasonbc)

LIKED: Deleted Scenes and 'The Beginning' documentry. DIDN'T LIKE: Starfighter video. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Episode 2 trailer (by Jedi Daniel)

LIKED: Picture and sound were good, added scenes helped the movie a bit. DIDN'T LIKE: Not removing the stupid midiclorian crap, leaving people that don't have a DVD-ROM out in the cold on some stuff. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: An apology for the midiclorian crap and for the podrace announcer (I hated him/them) (by Shin_Gallon)

LIKED: SFX doco, gag reel, outakes. DIDN'T LIKE: nothing. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Making of the podrace sequence. (by phil1701e)

LIKED: I love the DVD set. I got it a day before the scheduled release and was estatic! DIDN'T LIKE: My main problem was Rick McCallum's constant swearing. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: I think that they should have include more deleted scenes, like Obi wan coming out of the swamp. Lap Two of the podrace was cool! (by Michael)


LIKED: That we got more or the intense action, excitement, adrenaline-rush, and good fun of the Podraces. DIDN'T LIKE: Lack of Darth Maul. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: More Darth Maul, he deserved more lines, he was a good enough character. When he talked he wasn't so intimidating, or evil, but once he fought and looked at you with those stern, blood-red eyes you knew he was a sinister, devilish, mysterious force to reckon with. (by JediKnightMeyer)

LIKED: Everything. DIDN'T LIKE: Nothing. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: more deleted scenes and extras, and they shoulda re-incorporated all the deleted scenes except for the waterfall because it didn't seem to fit in the movie and george was right not to put it in in the first place. (by Altar-Que)

LIKED: Sound and video quality. DIDN'T LIKE: The deleted scenes. I thought that the deleted scenes should have been more of Darth Maul, then the pod race sequence. SHOULD HAVE ADDED: Besides the ATOC trailer... More casting stuff. (by Mike)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-193     
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