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Lightsaber Flash Mob Scheduled For Today In TX

Posted By Mike on May 4, 2012

Do you happen to reside in the Arlington, Texas area? Would you like to get together with a couple thousand lightsaber wielding Star Wars fans on Star Wars Day? MayThe4thCelebration.com has news of a scheduled lightsaber flashmob...

"On May 4, 2012 an unprecedented event will happen and we want YOU to be there. The Unofficial World's Largest Lightsaber Flash Mob will take place at the University of Texas at Arlington Campus. This is a FREE event. Come join in the fun as we celebrate May the 4th - National Star Wars Day!

We are excited to announce that the prestigious 501st Legion's Star Garrison will be attending this year! They will be joining the battle fully clothed in authentic Star Wars costumes. The 501st (Vader's Fist) makes appearances all around the globe. You can visit their main website here: www.501st.com"

Click here for full details. You'll have to register your e-mail address to get the exact time and location.

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Posted By Mike on December 16, 2011:
Updated! Wear and share today!!! (Dec. 16)

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