Darth Maul, same location as before, with red saber extended; he presses a button and a second shaft emerges.
Anakin's pod screams at the camera.
Sebulba looks at camera and laughs like a horse would. He's standing near the engines of Anakin's pod. Probably at that moment, he's just sabotaged the engines (which explains the laughing).
The Queen in white makeup and ornate headdress turns to look at camera. It's the same red dress as in the first shot. This is at the start of the movie. She's probably sitting on her throne.
Scores of battle droids come to attention. They carry large black blaster rifles on their backs.
Darth Maul fends off an attack from Obi-Wan AND Qui-Gonn, and grimaces.
N-1's attacking a target.
Anakin in cockpit in goggles looking over the battle
Droid fighters attack head-on (they look like smoothed-out TIE interceptors).
R2 with C3PO?s bottom half visible.
See-Through Threepio!
Scores of battle droids turn right to face.
Shot of the battle droids by the huge Transports mentioned earlier. They're gathering in the plains outside Naboo just before the invasion. In the foreground, you can see an army of Gungans facing them. The CG textures may not be fully completed in this shot.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan (in the Generator shaft) leap and flip respectively across a gap from a control area to a ledge to meet...
...Darth Maul on the ledge with both ends of his saber extended.
Battle droid on STAP comes flying down from upper left to lower right in forest shooting at Obi-Wan.
Trade federation battleship satellite dish blows up in HUGE explosion. Two N-1s may be consumed in the backwash.
The title and credits are self-explanatory.