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Motor City Comic Con Report

Posted By Dustin on May 20, 2003

My old friend Mark Minicuci once told me to always try and make it up for the spring fling in Detroit (Novi) known as the Motor City Comic Con. The convention is held in both the spring and fall with the spring version being some what larger. This time around me and my friend Steve Meister headed north from Cincinnati on Saturday morning hoping we would find some good deals on Star Wars toys.

We arrived at 11:00, met up with Chris Holoka, (Rebelscum Art Dept.) and proceeded to get our passes. Once inside we started up and down each row slowly scouring the dealer booths for good deals. The first two rows proved disappointing as many dealers had product out with insane prices on them. Pretty soon though we came across a few dealers who were blowing out merchandise at reasonable prices. Steve managed to aquire just about every POTF2 long saber variation at one table for only $4 each, carded. I found a Unleashed Padme for $10, and some European pit droid two packs for only $10 each as well. We lost Chris several times cause he was there to actually hunt for comics, crazy!

The autograph area consisted of many celebrities but my favorites were of course the Star Wars celebrities! Kenny Baker (R2-D2) signed some personal photos for me, and Amy Allen took care of a carded Aayla Secura figure I needed her John Hancock on as well. Mike Edmunds (Logray) was around but not while I was in that area, neither was Paul Blake (Greedo).

The Fan Force chapter "R2-Detroit" was on hand checking out the show and representing the local chapter for their region. I saw several fellas in R2-Detroit shirts (I want one by the way!) and several members were dressed up as various characters from the Star Wars saga. For more on their group, check out their website!

Well after seeing all the vendors at least three times each, and spending all our money, we decided it was time to roll out. After a quick stop in at the Rebelscum office in Ypsilanti for a bite to eat (and a demo of the mighty Thunder Table) we were safely back in Cincinnati by 11pm that night. Our feet were tired, our wallets empty, but we had scored a lot of good deals and can't wait for next spring!

Reported by Rebelscum.com

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