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The Clone Wars UK Comic #6.5 Posted By Mike on March 3, 2010
Titan fills us in on the latest offering from the UK TCW comic, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic #6.5
"The Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic continues with another exclusive, action-packed story in issue 6.5:
TERROR ON THE TWILIGHT! This issue?s thrilling story finds Anakin, Ahsoka and Rex going up against a stricken freighter, booby trapped and swirling around the edge of a deadly nebula. Will our heroes survive this cunning deception and escape the perilous craft? Find out only in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic #6.5!
Plus, issue 6.5 comes with a fantastic FREE Star Wars: The Clone Wars wallet and sticker sheet!
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic #6.5 on sale 4 March"
Another interior shot as well as a pic of the stickers and wallet can be viewed at