The rogues team up with a pair of Corsec security to solve the Fel baby kidnapping.
Reviewed 02/06/98
Regular readers of Batman comics will tell you that while it is hard to
compare... the art and story of the cartoony "Animated Adventures" series has
greater consistent quality than the other "serious" titles. It is clear to me
that this issue falls in the "Adventures" genre and it is reviewed as such...
Uncharacteristically, we don't get a whole lot of character development nor
unique insights into the life of a Rogue. What we get is a fun adventure with
our crew on land rather than in the air, and it works. I must admit that a lot
of the dialog struck me as clever and made me smile.
If the story had a weakness, I'd say it's the ending after the rescue is
complete where it felt a bit like pages were being filled. One panel of ironic
Corran Horn "foreshadowing" would have been enough.
First, this issue pulls off an impressive feat in changing pencilers in mid-
stream without a noticeable change. If I hadn't counted out the pages to see
where the change happened I might have missed it altogether.
I liked the art style as a change of pace. It suited the story very well. It's
hard to find words to define this style without making it sound inferior to
other comic styles. It's simpler... but keep in mind that it's much harder to
convey the same message using fewer lines.
Remember that simpler does not mean inferior. This is a high quality issue and
is nice as a brief change of pace. (But now... back to the war.)
7.5/10. Recommended.