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Republic #54 Double Blind

Story: John Ostrander
Art: Jan Duursema
Inks: Dan Parsons
Coloring: Joe Wayne
Lettering: Sno Cone Studios
Cover: Jan Duursema, Joe Wayne
Released: 06/04/2003

Reviewed by: JF Boivin (01/24/2005)


Quinlan Vos has resumed his spy operations, this time on Nar Shaddaa. He soon finds out he was double-crossed by a Chadra-Fan informer named Tookarti when Jedi Master Agen Kolar shows up to take Vos into custody, acting on the Jedi Council's orders, thinking that Vos has fallen to the Dark Side. But Kolar is unaware that this is all part of the Council's plan to credibly allow Vos to get closer to the Separatists. But unknown to the Council, Vos' revenge on Tookarti may mean Kolar was closer to the truth than anybody suspected.

[final cover]

[preview cover]


This Quinlan Vos solo story is a nice continuation of issue #49, although the events from Jedi: Shaak Ti are mentioned. There is a lot of suspense and mystery, as one revelation comes after another: Quinlan telling Kolar he was feeling betrayed by the Council, then finding out the Council planned it all out with Vos but Kolar was being used. Also finding out that Quinlan's intentions may not be as good as everybody thinks they are. But what I like is we're not sure, even when Quinlan tells Tookarti that he might also be working for Dooku then brutally kills him. Is this a sign of the future?

Tookarti is not the only character returning from issue #49. The beautiful Khaleen is still at Quinlan' side, risking her life to protect him. She is truly in love with him, but we don't know if Vos feels the same way. There is much more to be revealed about these two. It's nice to see lesser-known characters like Agen Kolar and Aruk the Hutt, and learn that they know each other!?!

This is a bridge between the first and second year of the Clone Wars, and offers a small glimpse of things to come. All that, and a great chase/fight between Kolar and Quinlan make this issue very entertaining.


Duursema is at it again. As usual, she manages to create a combination of perfect, realistic postures and character likenesse, great backgrounds, creatures and aliens, and an amazing Star Wars feel, and somehow make it all blend perfectly. For the first time, the cover (which is also impressive) is actually a part of the story.It actually replicates almost exactly the panel on page 7, just before Quinlan draws out his lightsaber.


John Ostrander. Jan Duursema. Joe Wayne. Star Wars. A winning combination.

Rating: 7.5 / 10 Recommended

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