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CV: Send-In & Drop-off Autograph Service

Posted By Chris on July 20, 2010

Official Pix offers two fantastic options for fans who either can't attend the show in person or for those who simply don't want to stand in line all day trying to get autographs. Our team will be the only service to have exclusive access and private signing time with each headliner.


If you cannot attend Celebration V, but you have personal items waiting to be signed by attending guests, you can now place your order through the Official Pix website and mail them to us. After the show is over, we will mail them right back to you.

Also, fans can now order the show exclusive 8x10 lithographs for each actor to be signed through the Official Pix autograph team. Simply choose the Customer Photo-Pick option and then look through the Official Pix Program Guide to find the photos you want. As an example, type "Amy Allen 1" or "Ray Park 3" into the "Photo Number" section on the order form so we know which photo(s) you want. Pretty simple!

Click here to place your order now!

Send in orders will be taken through July 20, 2010. Send in items must arrive by July 31, 2010.


If you are attending the show and you have items that need to be signed, but do not want to spend your time waiting in line for autographs...fear not! You can drop your items off with us and pick them later that day signed and ready to go.


Trading Card?$5.00 + coupon
8x10?$5.00 + coupon
11x14?$5.00 + coupon
16x20?$10.00 + coupon
Book?$10.00 + coupon
Action Figure?$10.00 + coupon
Prop Replica?$10.00 + coupon
Poster 27x41?$10.00 + coupon


Purchase ten (10) signatures on a single item and save 20% on the Service Fee!
Purchase twenty (20) signatures on a single item and save 40% on the Service Fee!

* Multi-signature discounts do not apply to Send-in items, only for items dropped off at the convention.

Fans requesting additional information on the 'Send-In' and 'Drop-Off' services, please feel free to email Chris directly here: chris@officialpix.com

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