The one and only Sue Rostoni has once again updated the Star Wars novel publishing calendar on her blog. Some notable changes include:
- Red Harvest, the next Star Wars horror novel from Joe Schreiber, is listed for December 28, 2010 (replacing TOR: Deceived) From Sue Rostoni: "Sith Zombies run amok."
- January 25, 2011 will bring us the paperback Knight Errant from John Jackson Miller. From Sue Rostoni: "A companion novel to the Dark Horse comic series by John Jackson Miller."
- The second TOR tie-in novel, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived has been pushed back from December 2010 to March 22, 2011.
- Tim Zahn's hardcover follow up to Allegiance, Hand of Judgement, has a slightly moved-up release date of July 19, 2011.
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry has been moved from June to August 16, 2011.
- The Nomi Sunrider hardcover from Alex Irvine has been pushed back from May to December 31, 2011
- The release date for Pablo Hidalgo's Star Wars: The Essential Reader's Companion has been moved back from August 2011 to March 20, 2012. From Sue Rostoni: "A super guide to the novels, short stories, e-books, etc. With new illustrations of characters you've only read about. This will be organized chronologically according to in-universe dates and written out-of-universe so that it won't be like the Essential Chronology but more like a non-fiction guide to fiction, with side-bars calling out related comics and events."