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New Kyle Katarn Info at WotC Posted By Mike on April 14, 2005
We recently reported on two new articles at the Star Wars Roleplaying Game's website, consisting of new bios for Kyle himself and several members of his extended "family". The bios are written by Jason Fry and rising star Abel Pe?a, and Kyle's includes a very interesting final paragraph:
While in Imperial Remnant space, Kyle heard a rumor that the Sith had possibly survived all these years after Endor. Due to his personal experience with mysterious Sith magic on Drommund Kaas, Kyle took it upon himself to investigate after the invasion, following clues from Ord Sedra in the Clacis Sector to Yaga Minor, and finally striking out into the region known as the Cloak of the Sith. There's been no word from Kyle for some time, and it's feared that he's succumbed to the same fate as the Jedi Daye Azur-Jamin, who inexplicably disappeared during the Yuuzhan Vong War.
Could this be a rough idea of where the Jedi Knight series is headed next? It could just be creative license, but that sounds a lot like the premise of a Jedi Knight game if you ask me. Head here for part one and here for part two.