In the same thread where Sue Rostoni confirmed a novel tie in for The Old Republic, (See Wes' post here) she also happened to mention the following tidbits regarding the cover design for the Fate of the Jedi series:
"The plan for the Fate of the Jedi books is to have a main character on the cover as well as a secondary character. The design concepts we saw showed just the one character -- I haven't seen a final concept for OUTCAST yet."
Nothing earth shattering but still interesting for those of us hungry for FOTJ details of any sort. More as we hear it!
UPDATE: Again from Sue Rostoni on the message boards regarding the Fate of the Jedi cover design:
"The Rebel Force cover is somewhat similar to the Fate of the Jedi cover design. The SW logo will be in the usual place across the top of the book, and the cover art design will be a bit different... but the same general feeling."
If you have yet to see the design for the Rebel Force covers, you can check them out here.