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Cover Art For Luke Skywalker Novel? Posted By Paul on January 21, 2008
Matt Stover's Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor is out later this year. A lot of fans, myself included, are waiting for it with eager anticipation.
Something we may have overlooked is the appearance of a possible cover illustration, which was revealed back at Celebration IV (see here for the context).
It certainly looks right for the cover to a Luke Skywalker novel, and it's done by Dave Seeley, whose previous Star Wars work includes the covers for the MedStar duology and Outbound Flight....
UPDATE: someone over at the forums asked Sue Rostoni from Lucas Books about this. She's confirmed that this is not the cover, although it turns out that she e-mailed DelRey suggesting it as a potential prototype for the design, just a few hours before the image surfaced here. The Force must be with our forum members! Click the link to read her full commentary.
And, of course, TF.N will bring you more news on Shadows of Mindor and the rest of what LFL are doing, just as soon as we get it.