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CV: What's Next From Del Rey?

Posted By Mike on August 15, 2010

Let's just dive in to it. Today's Del Rey panel contained some novels we've known about for a while (TFU II, Red Harvest, Decieved) along with some we haven't (Plagueis, Wraith Squadron, Drew Karpyshyn's novel return to The Old Republic time period)...


October 5, 2010 - The Force Unleashed 2 by Sean Williams

December 7, 2010 - Fate of the Jedi: Vortex (book #6 in the series) by Troy Denning

December 28, 2010 - Red Harvest by Joe Schreiber
- Schreiber's horror follow-up to Death Troopers
- Won't contain any familiar characters

February 2011 - Knight Errant by John Jackson Miller
- First novel partnership with Dark Horse
- Not going to be redundant with the comic of the same name (different stories with the same lead)

March 2011 - Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived by Paul S. Kemp
- Based on the first cinematic trailer for The Old Republic
- We'll learn about Darth Malgus (who he is, why he's ransacking the Jedi Temple...)

May 17, 2011 - Fate of the Jedi: Conviction (book #7 in the series) by Aaron Allston
- According to Shelly Shapiro, this is the novel that will start to ramp up the series

July 17, 2011 - Timothy Zahn's untitled follow-up to Allegiance
- Grand Admiral Thrawn will be making his return to the GFFA!

August 2011 - Riptide by Paul S. Kemp
- Sequel to Crosscurrent featuring Jaden Korr

August 16, 2011 - Fate of the Jedi: Ascension (book #8 in the series) by Christie Golden

November 2011 - 3rd tie-in novel to The Old Republic by Drew Karpyshyn
- Bioware and LucasArts are working very closely on the novel/MMO relationship

December 2011 - Fate of the Jedi #9 by Troy Denning
- Grab the name in the soon to be posted Fate of the Jedi panel coverage!

December 31, 2011 - Untitled Alex Irvine novel
- Starring Vima Sunrider and featuring Nomi Sunrider

January 31, 2012 - Untitled stand alone novel by Jeff Grubb
- New author to the EU
- Will include new characters and the Hutts will be featured

February 28, 2012 - Untitled Darth Plagueis novel by James Luceno

Summer 2012 - All new Wraith Squadron paperback by Aaron Allston

Non Fiction and Guides

October 12, 2010 - The Making of The Empire Strikes Back by J.W. Rinzler

March 2011 - The Star Wars Craft Book by Bonnie Burton

August 2011 - The Essential Guide To Warfare by Jason Fry

Fall 2011 - The Complete Vader by Ryder Windham and Pete Vilmur

Spring 2012 - The Essential Reader's Companion by Pablo Hidalgo
- Will include illustrations of characters we've never seen before (though we've certainly read about them)
- Will focus mainly on the books and not the comics

Summer 2012 - Dan Wallace's 3rd Essential Guide to Characters

And here are some random notes from the Q&A period...

- While there's always the possibility that the Imperial Commando story line could be completed down the road, it has to be the right finish with the right author.

- The previously-canceled Zekk novel (Bloodlines) is still being discussed a bit but he and Taryn will be popping up more in the FOTJ series

- Expect some sort of special release for the 20th anniversary of Heir to the Empire

- There's hope for the free downloadable Lost Tribe of the Sith series to make it to some sort of paper release with possible additional content

- Oh, did I mention that Thrawn is coming back?!?

- And Wraith Squadron?!?

- The Darth Bane novel series can always be revisited

- Don't look for Luke to die until George Lucas decides how he wants it done and when

- Say goodbye to the multi-author extended series of books (NJO, Legacy of the Force, Fate of the Jedi) and expect trilogies at most...at least for a while

- The untitled Holostar novel by Michael Reaves and Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff is still being moved around int he schedule. It will be a thriller with smuggling (Dash Rendar) and spy elements.

- You don't need to be a gamer to enjoy the TOR novel tie-ins

- No future plans with author Matt Stover at this time. Simply need to find the right project

Stay tuned as I'll get our coverage of the Fate of the Jedi panel up as soon as I can. In the meantime...

The title for Fate of the Jedi #9 by Troy Denning is Apocalypse.

UPDATE: I've made year revisions above for the Essential Reader's Companion, Grubb's untitled novel, Plageuis and Wraith Squadron. Lesson learned on proof reading on only three hours of sleep.

Otherwise, dates and info above are presented as they were in the panel. That being said, our friend Ewan of SWBooks.co.uk wrote in to remind us of the following:

"JJM's Knight Errant novel is scheduled for release on January 25th 2011 (http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780345522641) rather than February

Timothy Zahn's July 2011 novel has already been given a title by Sue Rostoni, it is Hand of Judgment (http://blogs.starwars.com/eeusuestornii/15)

Thanks Ewan!

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