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Another Sweet Drew Karpyshyn Interview Posted By Mike on June 22, 2008
Galactic Binder has posted a nice interview with Darth Bane author (and much, much more) Drew Karpyshyn. Click here for the interview in which he talks not only about Darth Bane, blogging (Hey, he even checks out TFN!) and his many other projects. See an excerpt below and let's all keep our fingers crossed that he gets the greenlight for a third Darth Bane novel. What can I say? I loved those 2 novels!
GB: Your Bane novels are tremendous, and we tore through them as fast as we could turn the pages. The beginnings of the Sith order and the rule of two were ripe to be explored. Were the concepts something the folks at Random House approached you with, or were you the one who went to them with the idea?
DK: I approached the people at Lucas Books, pitching myself as a potential writer for the novels based on my work with KOTOR and my two WotC novels. They added me to "the list" of potential novelists, and when they decided to do an Old Republic novel they figured they'd give me a shot.
However, the first idea I pitched them didn't quite hit the mark. With my WotC novels I had instructions to keep the stories "small" - nothing that would fundamentally change the world and accidentally mess things up for another writer working in another area of the shared world series. So I kept that in mind when I submitted my first idea to Lucas Books. To my surprise, Shelly Shapiro and Sue Rostoni (my editors on the SW books) came back and asked me to write something more "epic" - they wanted me to write about events that fundamentally changed the galaxy. From there, Bane became the logical choice.
Source: (Check out their new blue look!)