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Star Wars ? Revenge of the Sith ? Incredible Cross-Sections
by Curtis Saxton, Illustrated by Hans Jenssen and Richard Chasemore

Published by DK Publishing

Scott's Rating:   4 out of 4

This is the Revenge of the Sith edition of the Incredible Cross-Sections series. Like the previous books, it features highly detailed drawings of the major vehicles from the film. Also included is text giving background on the vehicles, their various functions, and more. Featured in this book are the following craft:

Star Destroyer
ARC-170 Fighter
V-Wing Fighter
Jedi Interceptor
Confederacy Buzz Droid
Droid Gunship
Separatist Ships
Invisible Hand
AT-RT Walker
Utapaun P-38 Fighter
Techno Union Starfighter
Grievous?s Wheel Bike
Grievous?s Starfighter
Wookiee Catamaran
Swamp Speeder
Palpatine?s Shuttle
Yoda?s Escape Pods


    I should start out by saying that I?m a little biased when reviewing this book. The reason is that I know the author, Curtis Saxton, and we host his website on TheForce.Net. You can even see our technical guru, Anthony Baratta, thanked in the acknowledgements. Despite this, I can still say that this is an absolutely fantastic book. (I can also say that Curtis never gave us any prequel spoilers. In fact, he never told us he was working on the book at all!)

Saxton?s text is quite interesting for a variety of interests. If you?re into the science of how these vehicles would work, he describes it in great (and somewhat plausible) detail. If you?re into the story of it all, he delivers there as well. You?ll learn how Yoda got to Dagobah, how the Wookiees are known for charting Hyperspace routes, and details of General Grievous? atrocities.

But let?s face it, the real draw of this book is the artwork. And as usual, the work by Jenssen and Chasemore is fantastic. The centerpiece is the Invisible Hand which unfolds into a four page spread. It gives you a real sense of size of the ship. There are so many details on the piece that it?s hard to take it all in. I?m sure Waldo is in there somewhere. The detail on Palpatine?s Shuttle is also great. You can see a charred Anakin inside it hooked up to Sith life support systems. The Star Destroyer is also cool. The drawing shows that it opens down the middle like an aircraft carrier.

In short, it?s a great book that you can spend hours reading and taking the detail in on. Fans will want to check it out.


    As usual, Jenssen and Chasemore prove themselves to be better at drawing the technical things rather than the faces of the characters. But seeing as how that?s not the focus of this book, that?s OK. I'd also like to see where they say R2-D2's body goes when he's stuck in the ship! That's not included here.


    Nothing to add here.

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