Star Wars
Original Movie Script
by George Lucas
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Scott's Rating: 3 out of 4
If you don't know what Star Wars is about, you're in the wrong place! However, this is a copy of the actual script that was used while filming. What makes it cool is seeing the scenes that were cut from the movie, such as the Biggs scenes, Han's conversation with Jabba the Hutt (to be seen in the Special Edition), and other cool stuff. This also has a filmography of the actors and lobby cards with nice photos.
It is really fun to see how a movie goes from a simple type written piece of paper to a full motion picture on the screen. By far the best reason to read this is for the cut scenes. Also, the photos at the back are really nice.
The price. It's around $20. You might as well read it in the store. Maybe that's why it was wrapped in plastic. It's also rather bland. Just a bunch of pages with type written text. That's about it!
When I can't think of anything ugly about a book, I can always go back to the price. $20? Ugly!