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Star Wars: A New Hope
by George Lucas (ghost written by Alan Dean Foster)

Published by Del Ray

Scott's Rating:   4 out of 4

This is the novelization of Star Wars, A New Hope. It is based on the early drafts by Lucas, plus has a few extra added surprises. You'll see a summary of everything that happened before Episode 4, a mysterious reference to the "Journal of the Whills", new quotes from the characters, cut scenes, and more. Plus, the latest editions have introduction letters by George Lucas.


    The coolest thing about the novelization is that it gives you more insight into the films. The stuff about the "Jorunal of the Whills" and the background on the prequels is pretty cool. Plus, the novelization has the old Jabba scene and Biggs scenes which didn't appear in the films till the special edition. On top of that, it has the Anchorhead scene with Biggs which hasn't been publicly viewed till 20 years after ANH's initial release. Considering that, it's pretty impressive.


    Very little is bad in this, except for a couple of things. Some of the lines added for Obi-Wan and Luke hearken a little too closely to earth. There is a reference to a duck by Obi-Wan and a dog by Luke. Did you see them in the films? Nope. Kind of odd.


    The covers to the latest editions don't compare to the old art for the first editions.

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