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Junior Jedi Knights #1
The Golden Globe
by Nancy Richardson

Published by Boulevard

Scott's Rating:   4 out of 4

Anakin Solo, Han and Leia's 11 yr old son, is finally old enough to go to Luke's Jedi Academy. Anakin is a quiet boy, a loner, but he quickly befriends Tahiri, a nine year old orphan from Tatooine. She was raised by the sand people, but she doesn't grunt like them. She talks about 90 mph which is hard for Anakin to get used to. However, as they learn to lift rocks with the Force, they both have a strange dream that calls to them. Are they destined to follow what the dream foretold? If they do, will it be for the forces of good or evil? Will they get busted for disobeying the Academy's rules? Find out!


    This was a really fun book. Though it is a young readers book, it does not talk down to the reader. Anybody can enjoy this story, even if it is in large print. Nancy Richardson has really expanded Anakin's character, as well as adding Tahiri. They both have interesting personalities and are believable. I especially like the hints that Anakin will either be the Jedi's greatest ally or enemy. The story, while simple, was intriguing and not obviously predictable. This series promises to be a great addition to the Star Wars novels. The new Jedi Master also seems to be an interesting character. The inclusion of R2 was also nice to see. I also really like the cover artist Eric J.W. Lee.


    I can honestly say that noting bad comes to mind when reviewing this book. The only thing I might complain about is the price. $4.50. This is not friendly to the casual reader. Maybe they'll condense them all into one novel at this same price.


    Dead Massassi aren't much fun.

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