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Jedi Apprentice #4 - The Mark of the Crown
by Jude Watson

Published by Scholastic

Scott's Rating:   3.5 out of 4

This is the fourth book in the Jedi Apprentice series. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are called to Gala to monitor new elections. The queen of the planet is dying and her last act is to turn the government into a democracy, much to the displeasure of her son, Prince Baju. As the Jedi face the turmoil between the fighting parties, Qui-Gon is sent on a mission to the leader of a separatist faction in the mountains. Turns out this female leader is the true heir to the throne and the queen wants her to know that before she dies. As Qui-Gon delivers the message, Obi-Wan discovers shady happenings behind the scenes and a possible murder plot against the queen. This book includes two punch out bookmarks for the kiddies.


    If you liked the earlier books in this series, you'll like this one, too. It's got a solid story, lots of action, and Jedi doing what they do best. Jude Watson has the character's personalities dead on. I particularly liked the science shop owner who was definitely a funny character.

This book also comes with an iron on for the kiddies. It's the cover to the first book, The Rising Force.


    Don't getta me wrongo, this is a good solid story. But it did lack one thing that the previous books had. Before, the relationship between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon progressed and they discovered something new about each other. That wasn't as apparent in this one. Qui-Gon put his trust in Obi-Wan on a solo mission and Obi-Wan became frustrated with Qui-Gon, but the big milestones of the previous books aren't here.

I also felt the Jedi sounded a little bit too pro-democracy. It was pushed very hard by Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon in the beginning as if it is the best form of government. Considering all the cultures, backgrounds, and different forms of government, it seems out of character for the Jedi to favor one over another. Beyond these minor gripes, I liked it, but I still rated it a 3.5.


    Obi-Wan popsicles.

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