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Jedi Apprentice #3 - The Hidden Past
by Jude Watson

Published by Scholastic

Scott's Rating:   4 out of 4

This is the third book in the Jedi Apprentice series. On Obi-Wan's 13th birthday, he and Qui-Gon get their first assignment. They are to go to the planet Gala and help moderate a tense election. On their way, though, they are hijacked by Obi-Wan's friend Guerra and his brother Paxxi to the planet Phindar. Turns out the planet is ruled by a Mafia / Big Brother type organization called the Syndicat which restricts supplies and brainwashes anyone who rebels. When the Jedi learn that the Syndicat is trying to form a partnership with the prince from Gala, they decide to help Guerra, Paxxi, and the Phindar rebels. Along the way the bad guys attempt to erase Obi-Wan's memory, but they fail. The Jedi eventually save the day and make bitter enemies with the prince from Gala along the way.


    This continues to be a great series. Jude Watson has remained faithful to the characters from the films while continuing to give us all the humor and action we love. There's lots of lightsaber action which is a little boring....NOT SO! I LIE! (You'll have to read the book to understand that joke.) Watson also continues to give us new insight into Jedi customs and powers which we all really like to know more about. Even more pleasing is that in a brief glimpse, Obi-Wan recalls his brother Owen and his family whom he left to go to the Jedi Temple. Finally! The pieces are beginning to fit together. And despite this being labeled a children's book, there are some very deep scenes. The death of Guerra and Paxxi's sister was a very powerful moment in the book. If you haven't read this series, you really need to pick a copy up now.

This book also comes with an iron on for the kiddies. It's the cover to the first book, The Rising Force.


    Unfortunately, right in the middle of this book is an iron on and an ad for Star Wars Episode I Adventures. I can live with the iron on, but the ad for the Adventures game really got in the way. It should have been placed at the end. Plus, nowhere on the ad did it even explain what the heck the games was. I still don't have a clue what it is other than I can only get it through mail order from Scholastic.

As far as the story goes, I had very little problem with it. In the beginning when the Jedi are ambushed at a vault by assassin droids, they wipe all of them out and stash them away, but nobody notices. You'd think the droids would radio back that they were being attacked, but that never happens and the Jedi get away. Also, I felt that Obi-Wan was captured just a little too easily for a Jedi. Anyway, these are both easily overlooked. It's still a great book.


    Hill people. They must be pretty ugly. (Again, read the book.)

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