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Jedi Apprentice #11 - The Deadly Hunter
by Jude Watson

Published by Scholastic

Scott's Rating:   3.5 out of 4

This is the eleventh book in the Jedi Apprentice series. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan return to Coruscant. But before they return to the Jedi Temple, they stop by a diner owned by Qui-Gon's old friend Didi. He is a rather shady information broker, but Qui-Gon and the Jedi enjoy his company.

Didi informs them, though, that a female bounty hunter has been trying to kill him. To make matters worse, he has no idea why. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan investigate the matter for him, but they get more than they bargained for. The bounty hunter nearly kills them on several occasions. The two Jedi begin to follow various clues and discover that a Senator, a rejected Jedi, and the Trade Federation are all involved to one degree or another. Can they solve the mystery before Didi is killed?


    This book is rather unique compared to the rest in the series because it has more of a mystery feel. It is fun to follow the clues with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan as they try to piece together the situation.

The book also seems to cover some ground I've been waiting for. We meet a parent who had a Force sensitive child, yet would not allow them to attend the Jedi training. There's even brief discussion of other Force sensitive individuals not following the path of the Jedi. It is only referred to in brief discussion, but it is satisfying nonetheless.

The new bounty hunter is certainly interesting. It almost seems like the part was written for Aurra Sing, but changed at the last minute. This character gives the Jedi a run for their money and keeps a healthy dose of action injected into the story.

Amazingly, Jude Watson is able to keep this series interesting after so many books.


    Honestly, there's not much to complain about with this book. It is slow in a few spots, but that's no big deal. It also ends on a cliffhanger and many questions are left unresolved, so expect to have to buy Jedi Apprentice #12 if you want the full story.


    The bounty hunter chick on the cover. She looks like the offspring of Mr. Clean and Cruella De Vil.

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