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Star Wars: Episode I
The Phantom Menace
Illustrated Screenplay
by George Lucas

Published by Del Ray

Scott's Rating:   4 out of 4

This is the screenplay to The Phantom Menace. The FULL screenplay, including scenes changed or cut from the final print. It has storyboards from the movie throughout and a foreward by Rick McCallum, the producer.


    This is yet another book every fan MUST have. The script is a great reference for quoting lines from the film, learning Huttese, or trying to figure out exactly what Jar Jar was saying. The storyboard art is just the perfect addition to it, as you get to see early designs for some of the scenes, costumes, and aliens.

But the highlight is definitely the scenes cut from the film. There's a scene where the droids discuss the Jedi's arrival on the Trade Federation ship, Obi-Wan diving into the Naboo swamp and frying his lightsaber, followed by a lecture on lightsaber maintenece by Qui-Gon. There's Anakin telling Jar Jar that "fear attracts the fearful" after he has the encounter with Sebulba, Pod Racers with different names than in the other texts, Anakin getting in a fight with Greedo (yes!), and more. It's possible these scenes could show up in a Special Edition of Episode I, but you'll want to read it here first!


    I have absolutely nothing bad to say about this...er...except one thing. How did Darth Maul trace the Queen to Tatooine?


    The only ugly thing I could think of is that Jar Jar looks more like Roger Rabbit here than before. :)

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