Ambush at Corellia
by Roger MacBride Allen
Published by Bantam Publishing
Scott's Rating: 2.5 out of 4
Han is about to return to his home planet of Corellia for a trade summit with his wife and kids. He is approached by a New Republic Intelligence Adgent that informs him that something very is about to happen, but they are investigating what. She asks Han to act as a distraction while they gater information.
They arrive at Corellia where the planet is in social, political, and racial turmoil along with its neighbors Selonia and Drall. Also, while this is going on, ancient machines created by a long dead race are being discovered on each of the planets. What are their connections with what's going on?
Finally, all heck breaks loose. A system wide interdiction field (which pulls ships out of hyperspace) is set up and a new leader, who looks awfully familiar, threatens other systems with destruction if they don't back off. Oh, yeah. Luke and Lando go crusing for chicks. Lando wants to get married!
This is the first book in the Corellian Trilogy.
This book finally gives some info on what Han Solo's homeworld is like. It also has a really cool scene where the Millenium Falcon is doing a repulsor lift test. That was very imaginative! I liked the scene where Leia has a lightsaber sparring match with Luke. It's about time she started using some of her Jedi Powers! Also, the giant machinery from the lost civilization was a nice touch. I would like to find out more about them!
I personally didn't like Allen's writing style in this book. That's not to say it wasn't good, it just says it didn't suit me. For example, there's a crash scene in the book that takes like 10 pages to happen. That's too long for me. I lose the feel of danger by page 5. Also, I felt that this story was being stretched out as far as possible in order to fit it in three books. Stuff did not really flow along at a good pace in my opinion. I also felt that the setup premise was not really that good. I would not take my children to the Middle East, so why would Han take his kids to a planet where he knew there was danger? It just didn't feel right to me. Finally, there were numerous typos in the book. One is understandable, two forgivable, but more than three is sloppy. (We have tons of spelling mistakes on this site, but we're not working with a spellchecker!) It added to my feel that the book was rushed in being written. I really think this trilogy should have been condensed into one novel.
The first woman Lando meets. Chicks. What's with them? ;)