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Version 7.2 Updates Posted By Robert on December 21, 2005
In addition to the sources added below, the encyclopedia site has had some technical changes. First, I eliminated the new-fangled entry listing, and returned to the more traditional "classic" list. Many people hated the new listing, and many others cited tha the "classic" list was easier to search through. I've also added an enhanced entry description option, which can be found by clicking the entry name of any entry. It will provide a tabbed set of information, including links to pictures and (coming soon) related entries.
The search page has also been changed. The main search page will simply be a form that you use to specify the parameters of your search. This takes advantage of the various fields in the main database, allowing you to search on lots more options. You don't even have to use an entry name! If you're looking for all alien characters affiliated with Black Sun, you can find them!
Downloads will be available shortly. Sorry for the delay, but I've got to do some more Christmas shopping!
As for sources, Version 7.2 contains the following:
added Clone Wars Adventures issue 4
added Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen
added Episode III: DVD Undelete (SW Databank)
added Jedi Starfighter (thanks to Victor Camacho!)
added Last of the Jedi: Dark Warning
added Missions of the 501st (SW Databank)
added Star Wars: Empire - Model Officer (thanks to Jens-Arthur Leirbakk!)
added Star Wars Insider magazine, issue 85
added Star Wars: Republic - Loyalties (thanks to Jens-Arthur Leirbakk!)
added War's End (SW Databank)
added What's the Story, Round 3 (SW Databank)
added information from Dungeon magazine, issues 98, 102, 103, 106 and 111
added information from the official Star Wars website (
added information from the Star Wars Galaxies website (
added information from the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars RPG website
added information from the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Miniatures website
added partial information from Dressing a Galaxy
added partial information from Evasive Action: Recruitment
added partial information from Star Wars: Empire - The Wrong Side of the War (thanks to Jens-Arthur Leirbakk!)
added partial information from Star Wars: Republic - Into the Unknown (thanks to Jens-Arthur Leirbakk!)
finalized information from Star Wars: Empire - In the Shadows of Their Fathers (thanks to Jens-Arthur Leirbakk!)
reread Hero's Guide (thanks to Jens-Arthur Leirbakk!)
reread Kella Rand, Reporting... (Hyperspace fiction)