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Liberty Star
this New Republic assault frigate participated in the Battle of Bilbringi against Grand Admiral Thrawn's forces.
Librarian Assembly
this group of Jedi scholars maintained the various holocrons, scrolls, and Sith writings collected during the time of the Old Republic. It was led by Yaddle during the last years of the Old Republic, prior to the Jedi purge.
Library of Systems
this New Republic database catalogued and documented all known planets and their surrounding star systems. The primary focus is on those worlds which are affiliated with the New Republic.
Library of the Republic
this was the galaxy-wide library and archive maintained by the Old Republic Senate.
Library of Xer
this mysterious citadel was located near the capital city of the planet known as Criton's Point. It was rumored that deep in the center of the city was a vault which contains a tree which is very powerful in the Force.
Library, The
located within Exovar's Emporium, on the planet Neftali, this relaxation chamber was known contain millions of hardcopy documents as well as datafiles from all subjects, many of which were banned by the Empire.
an Imperial transport group assigned to the TIE Advanced plants in the Omar System.
Licha In
this Gree world was one of the first to suffer from the degeneration of Gree society, several millennia before the Battle of Yavin. In the most ancient days of Gree civilization, Licha In was a nexus for hypergate transportation and the terminus for most of the farthest-reaching hypergates. The native Gree of the planet, as they became more reliant on technology, separated into small city-states that competed for supremacy based on their ability to control their technology. Rulers of the city-states fought wars for food, slaves, and devices, and have isolated themselves from the rest of Gree society. Most modern Gree consider their Lichan relatives to be backward and ignorant, and the primary examples of what happened when the Gree lost the ability to create new technology. A temperate world of large islands, Licha In rotates on its axis once every 24 standard hours. Its year lasts 364 local days.
Lichen Torch
this was a form of torch, created by the Yuuzhan Vong by growing bioluminescent lichen atop a nutrient-filled staff.
this Huttese word translated into Basic as "dessert."
Lictor-class Dungeon Ship
based on a Mandalorian design, Rendili StarDrive's Lictor-class dungeon ship is a 764-meter-long prisoner transport vessel. Sections were designed with variable environments to create conditions which were as uncomfortable as possible. Other will-breaking devices present were sirens, electric shockers, and various gas emission systems. When the Empire began using these ships to transport captured Jedi Knights, they installed energy shields based on the Universal Energy Cage around each partition. Life support systems were also run at minimal levels. Each Lictor-class ship was given enough of a navigational computer to hold two jump coordinates: the prisoner transfer planet and the final destination. This provided a defense against prisoners hijacking the ship. Each Lictor-class ship was equipped with 10 quad turbolaser batteries a 2 tractor beam projectors. They were manned by a crew of 860, 46 gunners, and 800 security wardens. They could transport up to 9,000 prisoners; 1,000 of them could be housed in special holding cells.
an ore that was once mined on Bothan's Planet.
meaning "lonely", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual.
Lido Deck
the entertainment deck on the Kuari Princess, the Lido Deck boasted a competition-sized sodium hydroxide/mercury swimming tank.
Lido Shan
this humanoid worked as a technician on the planet Coruscant, during the height of the Clone Wars. It was Lido Shan who did the first real work to investigate the inner workings of the JK-13 model of combat droid produced by Cestus Cybernetics. When the droid had been finally understood, she made the first JK-13 ready for demonstration at the T'Chuk Arena.
Liekas Tendo
this Morath mining engineer was captured by the Yevetha during the Yevethan Purge and forced to record a plea for amnesty. The plea was used during the New Republic's blockade of Doornik-319. Part of Eri Palle's plan, several such perjured recordings were used to keep Republic starfighter pilots from firing on Yevethan warships, on the off-chance that they might actually kill innocent bystanders. The plan worked, as there were no prisoners on board the Yevethan ships, which pummelled the Republic's forces.
Lien Seal
this interdiction field is used in starports. A bubble-shaped force field, it is used to impound starships when their owners fail to pay their bills.
Liezder Towers
located in the city of Nehass, on the planet Tarhassan, this was a residential building that towered over most of its neighbors. It was known for its relative luxury, and its marquee banner prclaimed that it offered "Coruscant living at Tarhassan rates."
the Yevethan term for 'proctor of information.'
Life Bearer
another name for a Life Witch.
Life Day
a Wookiee holiday, Life Day celebrated Kashyyyk's diverse ecosystem and the many forms of life it encompassed. It also was a time to remember family members who had died, and the young ones who continued to bring new life to a family. Life Day was an almost sacred holiday, and many Wookiees returned to Kashyyyk in order to celebrate it. Life Day was held once every three local years for many generations, but during the Galactic Civil War, its importance to the Wookiees became more pronounced. Wookiees were spread across the galaxy, either because they had been enslaved by the Empire or for personal reasons, and they began celebrating Life Day each year as a way to remain in touch with their history. Over time, the holiday found its way into various other cultures.
Life Debt
this holovid, produced during the year leading up to the Clone Wars, starred Jobal Rapier.
Life Form Indicator (LFI)
a starship sensor program that uses inputs from other shipboard sensors to determine the existence of lifeforms nearby. The computer can also determine populations and species, given the right sensory data.
Life in the Big City
this song, written and played by the band Starburst, was rated scarlet by the Imperial Board of Culture. It first appeared on the compilation Only in Your Dreams.
Life Monitor
a small device worn on the wrist which monitors the wearer's vital signs and physical status. They can also be set up to monitor the life status of a group of individuals, with unique indicators tracking each member.
Life Monitor, The
this newsgrid service was run and managed by Cindel Towani, during the early years of the New Republic. Hiram Drayson called in a favor from Cindel, hoping to run a story that would bolster Leia Organa-Solo's appearance during the Black Fleet Crisis.
Life Preservation Programming
this was the name given to the subroutines which every droid was required to have in their operational computer memory. Known as LPP, this programming was mandatory under the laws of the New Order, and prevented a droid from "experiencing the compulsion to do harm to an organic being." This programming could be overridden, but this act was considered a Class Two or higher crime by the Imperial Penal References.
Life To Come, The
this was the term used in the Cosmic Balance religion to describe the afterlife, in which all inequities suffered in life would be redressed. Thus, a follower who lived in wealth - the so-called Child of the Feather - would spend the afterlife in poverty. These members were given a stylized feather by their parents. A follower who was sent to a Simple Home to live in poverty - known as a Child of the Bowl - was assured to find their good fortune in the afterlife. These individuals were given a stylized bowl by their parents.
Life Tree
the tree which is grown to harvest life crystals, life trees resemble hexagonal posts. The thick boles appear to be fibrous, glassy, pigmented trunks growing from 2-12 meters tall, depending on the growing conditions. They grow atop a wide disk; the underside of the disk is covered with the thin, kilometer-long root systems which grow straight down into the soil and keep the tree upright. The branches of the tree are made from the same crystal-like material as the trunk, and grow straight out from the trunk. The very end of each branch angles sharply upward, and ends with a single life-crystal. The lower branches are older, and the crystals they produce are larger than those of the younger, upper branches. They life crystals have to be removed by a laser, and grow back in about a year.
Life Tree
according to Wookiee legend, the Life Tree was the place from which all Wookiee culture began. All life on Kashyyk burst forth from the Life Tree, including the Wookiees themselves, creating the dense jungle ecosystem of the planet. During the Life Day celebration, Wookiees consumed orga roots to help their spirits locate the Life Tree.
Life Trinkets
this was the term used to describe the various totems and personal belongings which were held in mystical reverence by the Kurtzen people of Bakura.
Life Witch
a strain of human females who have the power to prolong a male's life by five years, the life witches exist only on the planet Leria Kerlsil. They announce their heritage by using the title 'Ver' in addition to their surname (as in Karia Ver Seryan). They prefer to call themselves life bearers, since their powers allow them to extend a male's life by five years, if the male agrees to marry the life witch and perform the blood kiss. If the male agrees to the blood kiss, the life witch is then indebted to Support the male for five years, giving him the vitality and strength of a young man. After five years, though the life witch must withdraw the Support or die. She must the recover her strength before she can marry again. The male is doomed to die either way, for he can no longer survive without the life witch's Support. All life witches are sterile, incapable of bringing a child into the world. Thus, they are very rare even on Leria Kerlsil, spontaneously occurring every so often.
Life Zone
this was the name of the 30-kilometer-deep layer of Bespin's atmosphere which is capable of supporting life. It was found 150 kilometers inside the outer edge of Bespin's atmosphere, and had a stable temperature and chemical makeup. Cloud City was situated within the Life Zone.
Life, The
this was the name of the center section of the Vergesso Base asteroid, and contained all the living areas on the asteroid. The Life also contained stores, restaurants and bars, and other entertainment outlets.
this was a type of inexpensive life pod that was often used aboard smaller starships. It was essentially an inflatable sphere made of a tough, vacuum-resistant material that was supported by a thin frame. These escape pods lacked any true propulsion, and were often used as a last resort, as a ship plunged into a planet's atmosphere. This would allow the life-bubble to drift down onto the planet's surface, rather than moving uselessly through space.
long considered the chief export of the Rafa System, the life-crystal was a gem that had strange and wonderful properties. It had the ability to alter a human's normal life expectancy, sometimes multiplying it fourfold. A life-crystal could also affect the holders dreams, and were known to cure certain mental conditions. Life-crystals were grown in life-orchards that were found on the eleven planets of the Rafa System, and a few of the system's asteroids. However, only those locations that mimicked the environments of Rafa IV produced large life-crystals. Each crystal had to be harvested with a laser cutter, and a new crystal would grow in its place in about a year. Any given tree in a life-orchard would yield about a thousand crystals The true purpose of the life-crystals was revealed when Lando Calrissian, Vuffi Raa, and Mohs discovered the Mindharp on Rafa V. When they learned of the incredible ruse maintained by the Sharu race, they learned that the life-crystals were really a device used by the Sharu to collect the intelligence and knowledge from all subsequent generations of Sharu, keeping this intelligence effectively hidden from an unknown threat the Sharu perceived many eons ago. The life-crystals drained the energy from the Sharu as well, creating the image of a simple, old Toka and maintaining the Sharu deception. The reason life-crystals worked differently for the Toka than for beings who lived outside of the Rafa System was that the offworld life-crystals were too far from the Sharu computer banks, where the knowledge and intelligence was stored. Without the close linkage to the Rafa System, a life-crystal simply absorbed the intelligence and life energy from those near the life-crystal's holder, channeling it into the holder.
this lifeform scanner was developed and manufactured by Cryoncorp during the early years of the New Republic.
Lifehold, Dannen
this smuggler operated from a base on Dohu VII. Originally born on a Mid-Rim world, he stowed away on a smuggling freighter bound for Alderaan when he was fourteen. He was discovered by the ship's owner, Captain Twolz, who agreed to keep Dannen on as long as he worked for his passage. Twolz treated Dannen like a son, and over a period of five years he taught the boy everything he knew. Dannen became a marksman and gunner, eventually surpassing even Twolz's skills. After Twolz was killed on Niian, Dannen and Krell teamed up for a short time, during which Dannen indebted himself to Linkaas in order to purchase his own ship, the Lifeline. Dannen worked for eight years to pay off the ship, working with his mechanic, Feq. After Feq's death at the hands of an over-zealous Imperial inspection officer, Dannen began to hate the Empire. It was Lifehold who rescued Brion Peck's assault team from Rafft, after a homing beacon placed on their ship gave them away.
(SWJ1, SWJ3)
developed to maintain safety on Bespin's Cloud City, life-jets were small jetpacks that could be found at various locations along the outer edge of the city. If a being accidentally fell off a railing, a rescuer could grab a life-jet and use it to fly down toward the clouds in an attempt to rescue the victim.
this was the name of Dannen Lifehold's personal ship, a modified YT-1300 freighter armed with a single, turret-mounted laser cannon.
this small corporation produced a variety of protective gear and clothing for use by starship captains, including the TechMaster II vacuum suit.
Lifeline Astrogation Buffer
developed by Cybot Galactica, the Lifeline was a data storage mechanism that allowed a starship pilot to offload a portion of their astromech droids's computer memory, thereby by backing up any data stored by the droid. It provided starship pilots with a way of reaching their destination, even if their astromech should fail. In the event of an astromech failure, the Lifeline could be connected to a ship's navigational computer in order to input the desired destination.
Lifeline Project
developed by Brophar Tofarain and Lofryyhn, this plan used the six Imperial-issue probe droids aboard the corvette FarStar as communications relays. They could be set in position at intervals within the Kathol Rift, providing a chain of relays to allow the FarStar to remain in contact with the outside galaxy. Unfortunately, the intense energy generated by the Rift created a great deal of interference, so it was decided to focus the probe droids on being able to send messages from the FarStar to the outside galaxy. This left the FarStar without a way to receive communications. Brandis Turgah used the Lifeline to communicate with Velst Nay'sro, and the Bothans under Nay'sro's command discovered messages from Loh'kahr to Khzam.
(KR, E)
Lifeline Technologies
this corporation produced a variety of spacesuits for use during extravehicular missions.
this highly nutritious food was produced by the Zeetsa as a natural part of their lives. It served as a staple in the diet of the X'Ting, forming a symbiotic relationship between the two races. The X'Ting began to feed the Zeetsa, which allowed the Zeetsa to concentrate on the production of Lifemilk. This dependency led some Zeetsa individuals to leave their homes and establish an independent life, althugh many chose to remain with the X'Ting.
this is the name of one of Fyodos' three satellites. Like the others, its original name was lost in the Great Cleansing. Fyodoi lore indicates that the cycle of the Lifemoon is the best time for celebrations, marriages, and coming-of-age rituals.
this was the name given to any of the specialized growing environments required for producing life-crystals. In order to be viable, a life-orchard must perfectly mimic the Rafa System's ecology, specifically the environment on Rafa IV, or the life-crystals won't grow. Smaller life-orchards existed on all of the planet in the Rafa System, but could only produce small life-crystals. The maintenance and harvesting of life-orchards was a tricky business, and was unsuitable for using droids because it required a deft touch and gentle handling of the crystals after they were picked. Thus, manual labor was employed, which ostensibly accounted for their high cost on other worlds. In reality, the controllers of the Rafa System used the prisoners of the system's penal colony as their labor, thereby getting the crystals harvested almost for free. Each orchard contained some 500 trees, each identical in size. The life-crystal trees were unusual in that their bark and wood seemed to have been made from a glassy fiber that contained a small amount of pigment. The roots of these trees were not fibrous like most trees, but were fine filaments that covered the underside of a wide disk that seemed to support the tree. This disk was formed from the same glassy fibers of the trunk, and spread about two meters across at the base of the trunk. This made the trees appear to be sitting on the ground, but the roots on the underside of the disk provided sustenance for the tree and kept it anchored to the ground.
this was the name given by the Wookiee race to the spirit inside each Wookiee.
Life's Memories
this treatise on the nature of death throughout the galaxy, was written by San Herrera and Nia Reston, and edited by Soshu Londahl. It was eventually published in Basic as part of the anthology Lyrical Metaphysics: Ode on an Odon, published by Coruscani Publishing during the last decades of the Old Republic. Parts of the work were based on the teachings of Mother Dariana of the Tarasin, whom the two Jedi visited on a mission to assist the Tarasin society.
Lifesaver 1000
this Seinar Fleet Systems hyperdrive unit was designed specifically for use as a backup system. It was rated at one-fifth the power of a normal hyperdrive, and required extensive overhauling after each use. Many pilots steered clear of using this unit, as it more often than not broke down and left its owners stranded in deep space.
this was the name of the construct used by the ancient Kathol to store their life energies, during the struggle bewteen the ancient Jedi Knights and the Dark Jedi who had enslaved the Kathol. The Kathol chose to store their energy in the Lifewell in order to survive the growing conflict, setting a bio-engineered construct (which later became known as DarkStryder) to guard the Lifewell. The Lifewell itself was essentially a huge, glowing, crystalline organ that pulsed with the life-energies of the ancient Kathol. The crystal's tip emerged in a secret chamber within DarkStryder's fortress, but extended for several kilometers straight down into the planet's mantle. The chamber which housed it was formed from huge bones, and was filled with organic, tactile control systems. Unfortunately for the majority of the Kathol, only a handful managed to enter the Lifewell before the destruction of their launch gates. The construct, which became known as DarkStryder, was designed to protect the Lifewell until the danger had passed. However, its own self-awareness kept it from releasing the Kathol. Over time, the Kathol were unable to break free of the Lifewell. Their life energies, however, evolved into the Ta-Ree. During the Battle of Kathol, the Lifewell was opened by Halbret, who had been awakened by the crew of the FarStar.
Liff, Weeffil
this criminal ran the Weeffil Liff's Trading Center on Ord Mantell. The business served as a front for his criminal organization, which was a subordinate piece of a larger organization owned by Liff's boss.
Lifh Sector
this was one of the many recognized galactic sectors, during the height of the New Order.
Lift Skeleton
this was the generic term used to describe any self-powered exoskeleton used by laborers to move heavy crates and cargoes between starships and hangars.
Lift Tube
a cylindrical tube which is used to transport cargo or passengers into or out of a ship, transport, or building. They often employ repulsorlifts or vacuums to lift and drop their cargo. The Jawas on Tatooine use them to "suck" the scrap they collect into the bellies of their sandcrawlers.
an elevator-like device used to get cargo up and down in a wroshyr tree. It is operating with kshyy vines. The newer ones have emergency repulsorlifts built in.
a starship mechanic's tool.
these repulsorlift-equipped antiship mines float above the ground. They can float at a specific altitude, or can be programmed to travel within a range. They are not capable of horizontal movement. The Empire used this form of detonation device to blockade important mountain valley locations.
Lift-tube Music
this was a term used to describe any bland, recorded music - often toned-down, synthesized versions of popular songs - that was played in public spaces, such as lift-tubes.
Liftwing Carriers
old Imperial transport ships.
Lift-wing Racing
a sport which used a small sail, stretched across a rigid frame, to allow a racer to glide through the air. The frame provided minimal lift and maneuverability, but allowed the racer to guide the frame toward the finish line.
Ligatic Acid
this was a dangerous acid, used during the early years of the New Republic. If exposed to a spark or open flame, ligatic acid exploded with incredible power.
Ligg Panat
this female Krish pilot joined the New Republic's Rogue Squadron shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the glaxy. Panat was killed when the New Republic engaged the Yuuzhan Vong over Dantooine, in an effort to protect the refugees fleeing from Dubrillion.
this was the term used by starfighter pilots of the New Republic to indicate a Yuuzhan Vong light attack cruiser.
Light and Darkness War
this was one of the many terms used to describe the New Sith Wars, which occurred more than a millennia before the Clone Wars and ended with the Battle of Ruusan.
Light Attack Fighter
known as the LAF-250, this was a small, Selonian starfighter with minimal shielding and small laser cannons.
Light Corvette
this Rendili StarDrive vessel was used by the Empire as a customs ship. It measured 180 meters in length, and required a crew of 52 plus six gunners. The Light Corvette was armed with six double turbolaser cannons, and could transport up to 20 troops and 500 metric tons of cargo. Note that Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters names these ships "Imperal Customs Vessels."
(FOP, GG6)
Light Dust
a sacred powder that nourished the Tree of Light.
Light Festival
an Ewok celebration which honors the rejuvenation of the Tree of Light.
Light Membrosia
see Membrosia
Light of Reason
this strange ship was Seti Ashgad's flagship. It was composed of a multitude of smaller ships linked to a central propulsion system. The ship was designed to break into its constituent parts when it arrived at Nam Chorios. The reason for this was to evade the weapons emplacements of the Therans, who had programmed their defenses to fire on ships over a certain size and mass. Ashgad used the ship to meet with Leia Organa-Solo near Nam Chorios, and he also used it to transport weapons and synthdroids from Loronar Corporation to Nam Chorios.
Light Patrol Ship
developed by Sienar Fleet Systems, this 38-meter-long cruiser was known for its speed and defenses. It wasn't very maneuverable, though, and often required additional support craft on a mission. The craft was manned by a crew of three with three gunners, and could transport up to eight prisoners in its brig. The Light Patrol Ship could carry up to 100 metric tons of cargo and a month's worth of supplies, and was armed with a pair of forward-facing laser cannons and three turret-mounted laser cannons.
Light Radiation Suit
developed by the CuMil branch of the Cularin Militia, the Light Radiation Suit (LRS) was an armored flight suit that was modified to allow a soldier to operate in environments where radiation poisoning was a threat. Much of the actual armor in the LRS was discarded in favor of added mobility, but the undersuit and seals were reinforced to allow a soldier to survive in hard vacuum for short periods of time. The seals needed regular maintenance and replacement, in order to preserve the integrity of the LRS. Additionally, CuMil technicians added an injection panel, that allowed a soldier to inject protobactin or other drug to combat radiation sickness without removing the LRS.
Light Shaper
similar to a villip-choir field, this Yuuzhan Vong technology used specialized creatures to send and receive images across vast distances. Unlike the villip choir, which used standard villips, the light shaper used villids to create a bioluminescent hologram.
Light Side of the Force
The Force has two opposing energies which balance and offset each other in the natural world, a Dark Side and a Light side. While the Dark Side is easy to harness, it demands life-energy from its servants. The Light Side, however, takes much more training and persistence to harness, but it does not demand as much life-energy from its followers.
Light Spirit
a benign entity worshipped by the Ewoks.
Light Sport
the Light Sport was Drearian Defense Conglomerate's sporting blaster rifle, a prototypical sporting rifle that was known for its high quality and well-balanced design. The Light Sport had adequate power, but made up for it with greater range than most weapons of its class.
Light Table
a flat, circular device which is used to display holograms and holographs. It has a parabolic holoprojector in its center, and has a set of external controls which manipulate the data displayed over the top of the table.
this Adumari device is used to display the readouts from the lightbounce sensor system.
Lightbounce System
this Adumari sensor system uses lasers to determine the presence of objects nearby. Like sonar or radar, the lightbounce system is fairly archaic in the modern galaxy.
this was the name used to describe any small, light-duty transport ship. The name came from their original mission profile, which was to "lighten" planetary vessels by removing their cargo to a holding facility. These ships were easily modified, and could be armed for combat.
this was Alliance military slang for a ground battle fought with laser weapons.
Lightflash Squadron
this group of New Republic X-Wings served aboard the Allegiance during the defense of Adumar.
this form of dueling weapon was popular in Tapani Sector. It was modeled after the lightsabers of the Jedi Knights, but was much smaller and not as powerful or energy-efficient as the Jedi weapon. However, they were just as dangerous. The original lightfoils were formed after a cache of lightsabers were found in the holding of House Pelagia several years after the Jedi Purge. They became popular among young nobles, but Emperor Palpatine soon learned of their existence. He sent his Dark Side Adepts to confiscate the blades, but not before the basic technology was copied and used to create lightfoils. A separate social structure emerged in Tapani Sector because of the formal rivalries between houses, known as the Saber Rakes.
Light-mass Core
this is a form of power source used in many modern, mobile weapons systems.
Lightmoon, Gibbon
this New Republic flight technician was one of the initial designers of the covert shroud freighter/fighter system used by Luke Skywalker during the Republic's struggle with Grand Admiral Thrawn.
an Alliance transport ship assigned to rescue the technical staff of Cygnus Spaceworks from Imperial imprisonment.
an Imperial Nebulon-B frigate operative during the Galactic Civil War.
a converted New Republic Prinawe Racer used to trail the Teljkon vagabond. It was ordered to return to drydock after the mission failed to intercept the vagabond at Gmir Askilon.
this Nebulon-B2 frigate was part of the Imperial Navy, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
Lightning Gun
a weapon built by the Ganathans, the lightning gun fires coherent electrical pulses at its target.
Lightning Module
this form of DarkStryder technology was powered by the intense energies contained in the Lifewell. When activated, the Lightning module emitted a bolt of pure electricity at a specific target. Like most DarkStryder technology, though, the Lightning module was only usable in Kathol Sector. Any attempt to remove it from the Sector and use it would result in the destruction of the module.
Lightning Rod
the battered supply ship owned by Peckhum, he used it to transport supplies to the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. When the New Republic's leaders realized that Luke Skaywalker's praxeum needed a reliable source of supplies, they gave Peckhum a newer ship. At this time, he turned the Lightning Rod over to his apprentice, Zekk. Zekk used it to strike out on his own as a bounty hunter, but soon relaized that he should be at the Academy. So, he returned, and used the ship to find Bornan Thul and fight the Diversity Alliance.
Lightning Rod
this small staff was used as a weapon by the Ferroans who were native to the planet Zonama Sekot. It produced an intense, electrical discharge when activated.
Lightning Squadron
this group of New Republic Y-Wings was assigned to the Battle Dog during the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. They often supported a sister squadron of Cloakshape fighters, also based on the Battle Dog.
Lightning Technical Squadron
this New Republic team of field agents was part of the famed Eclipse Team.
this was a specialized form of datapad, created for medical use during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was used by doctors and nurses to monitor the vital statistics of their patients.
these tall, hexagonal pillars were made from duracrete, and had glowpanels running up each face. Lightpoles were used on the planet Haruun Kal to illuminate the streets of major cities, such as Pelek Baw.
this was Mammon Hoole's personal starship. He used it during his search for Borborygmus Gog and Project Starscream, but was forced to also use it as transport for his young niece and nephew, Tash and Zak Arranda, following the destruction of Alderaan. The Lightrunner was damaged when its hyperdrive cut out upon detecting the presence of D'vouran in its vicinity, and Hoole was forced to land the ship on the unusual planet. When the planet began consuming everything in sight, Hoole and his charges were forced to flee in the Millennium Falcon with Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. They were dropped on the planet Necropolis, where Hoole eventually purchased the Shroud.
(GOF1, GOF2)
this was the traditional Jedi weapon, used much like a sword. It consisted of cylindrical handle in which sophisticated circuits channeled a beam of light through a series of jewels, which modulated the blade's size and amplitude. It was considered one of the Jedi students' final challenges to construct their own lightsaber. Many Jedi Masters stressed the lightsaber as a true test of their apprentice's progress, for the lightsaber's power was great. A true Jedi Knight only uses the lightsaber for defense, never attack, and there was a great deal of patience involved with learning this. Some Masters also used the lightsaber as a way to get their apprentices to focus their minds on the Force, for it took a great deal of skill to wield one. Many Jedi Masters held that the lightsaber was the true Jedi's weapon because, while it could easily take the life of another being, it forced the wielder into close proximity to their opponent. This meant that a Jedi who was forced to kill another being had to look them in the face during battle. A blaster or other ranged weapon eliminated this personal link, giving the wielder the chance to alienate them from the death they caused. The mechanics of a lightsaber were simple, although the application of them took great skill and concentration. A novice Jedi Knight could create his first lightsaber in about a month. A trained Jedi Master could, in a hurry, construct one in a few days. Note that the Star Wars Journal: The Fight for Justice indicates that a Jedi is given his lightsaber on his first day of training. Every lightsaber contained these basic components: a power cell, a handgrip, an activation plate or stud, a safety switch, a blade-length adjuster, an emitter matrix, and recharge socket, a lens assembly, at least one focusing crystal, a power conduit, and an optional belt ring. When activated, internal power cells create photoelectric energy which is focused through one, two, or three multi-facted crystals. In the lightsabers of the Jedi Knights, these crystals were found in nature, a task which requried the Jedi to focus their concentration on selecting a stone which would focus the energy and not explode. While ancient Jedi used all manner of crystals, most Jedi obtained crystals from the planet Ruusan, until these deposits were destroyed during the Battle of Ruusan. More often than not, the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic used crystals from the planet Ilum, which emitted blue or green blades. The Sith, however, used synthetic crystals formed in incredibly hot ovens, using their emotional control of the Force to assist in the formation of the stone. These Sith crystals generated a red blade which had the unusual strength to cleave a normal lightsaber blade in two. Jedi Knights of the New Republic era did not know of the Ilum deposits, and so many of them discovered other sources of crystals which produced a wide variety of blade colors. The energy was formed into a tight, parallel beam of coherent packets. These packets are emitted through a positively-charges, continuous energy lens which projects the packets away from the lightsaber. The packets are almost immediately attracted back to the lightsaber by a negatively-charged, high-energy flux aperature, and then continually recycled to create the glowing blade. The packets are recycled by a superconductor back into the power cell for re-energizing. The entire process is completely contained. No energy is lost, since the light in the blade is recaptured. No heat is generated, either. The only energy loss occurs when the blade strikes an object. When Obi-Wan Kenobi began teaching Luke Skywalker how to use his father's lightsaber, Kenobi began by showing Luke the basic body positions used by the Jedi. There were seven attack positions, and four defensive positions. Each attack or defense position flowed into the next, creating a smooth, continual motion. To perform them all in sequence takes concentration, skill, and stamina. The Jedi Masters who taught lightsaber combat to the Padawans of the Old Republic often started out with minimally-powered training blades, and spent much of the early training period in discussion rather than fighting. Among the lessons taught to Padawans was that, during any lightsaber combat, the first rule was not to fall down. This lesson, like many others within the training of a Jedi, had meaning outside of lightsaber training.
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