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This essay is from David Stover
Published on November 8th, 2004, Revised on November 14th, 2004

The Emperor of Oz Theory


This theory applies only to the VISUAL and AUDIO ELEMENTS from the 5 MOVIES. EVERYTHING ? REPEAT - EVERYTHING else is considered EXAPANDED UNIVERSE (EU) and is therefore not to even be considered when considering the theory.

The following theory was developed by myself and is based on what is considered to be Star Wars cannon: the films. It is a bit far fetched but I hope that you will take it into consideration with an open-mind before dismissing it right from the start. I have seen every film a thousand times too. I have just as many books, toys and other reference materials as you, most of which directly contradicts what I am about to propose. However, if you know GL, then you know that cannon is cannon. Everything else doesn?t count. Although I personally only give this theory a 1 in 5 chance of actually being proven true, I have yet to have a single person prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is impossible.

Everyone has been speculating what will happen in ROTS. While we can all make wild guesses, the real key to making an educated guess is eliminating possibilities based on factual evidence. This theory is one possibility that I could not eliminate.

??it is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it.? ? General Tagge


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