EU Roundtable #1.1
Welcome to the first ever EU Roundtable, a series
(hopefully) of hour-long chatroom discussions between members of the online
Star Wars fan community. More immersive than forums, and less manufactured than
interviews, Roundtables are meant to showcase the nitty-gritty of fandom ?
interesting, straightforward debates, typos and all. The goal with this one was
mostly to see if my idea would work, so I chose pretty simple topics. In the
future I?ll probably alternate between things like this and more precise, hot-button
topics. Today?s chatters are:
- Matthew Creelman, far better known as Raven,
Literature moderator for the Jedi Council message
boards here on TFN.
- Michael Sheridan, webmaster of the fansite Star Wars: Myth and Magic,
(CeeWulf on the JC forums) best known for the excellent ?20 Questions with?? VIP interview series
he?s been running all year.
- Paul Myers, founder of The Unofficial Clone Wars Site,
a rising star in the online news community, with all you need to know and
more about LucasBooks? current publishing program.
And of course there?s myself, Mike Cooper, your
friendly moderator (and TFN Books and Comics staffer). Let?s get started!
You have just entered room "EU Roundtable.?
Mike Cooper: We'll start
with one of the big debates these days: should the Clone Wars be featuring more
big space battles?
Matthew Creelman: Definitely.
Matthew Creelman: X-Wing books proved that novels can definitely show large
space battles.
Matthew Creelman: So did the Thrawn trilogy, and the NJO.
Mike Cooper: good point
Mike Cooper: no one's ever
put it that way
Matthew Creelman: Though comics are more visual, I think that comics are a
weaker medium for space battles.
Paul Myers: Hmm. Well, that's a loaded question. Sure, I'd love to see
space battles, as would most people.
Michael Sheridan: Yeah, but there have been some space battles are are
pretty, well, dull and somewhat difficult to read.
Paul Myers: But the important thing is the story.
Matthew Creelman: I won't disagree. I couldn't stand the space battles in
Mike Cooper: x-wing was a
big exception, but i go think it's true that most can be kinda boring
Mike Cooper: *do
Paul Myers: Space battles have to be done right.
Michael Sheridan: Some writers get so into describing every little movement
and jostle, the battles lose any kind of flow and you kind of trudge through
Mike Cooper: right
Matthew Creelman: Depends on the skill of the author. I don't think that
land battles have been done right either in Cestus Deception or Shatterpoint.
Michael Sheridan: The worst is when the writer is an actual pilot.
Matthew Creelman: how so?
Mike Cooper: i thought the
big fight at the end of shatterpoint was pretty good, though stover is better
at smaller scenes
Michael Sheridan: Because they tend to get very bogged down into the minute
details, how the controls work, all that kind of stuff. It's too much, and just
slow to read.
Matthew Creelman: ah, fair enough.
Paul Myers: In Return of the Jedi for example, there was a big space
battle, but there wasn't as much time spent on it as on the character stuff
like Luke and Vader fighting.
Michael Sheridan: I'm trying to think of a space battle in a SW book that I
really liked.
Matthew Creelman: Katana fleet.
Matthew Creelman: Star by Star at Coruscant.
Matthew Creelman: taking of Blackmoon
Michael Sheridan: Yeah, the Coruscant battle was really well told.
Mike Cooper: well that
doesn't bode well for jedi trial; aren't those guys ex-military?
Paul Myers: Space battles are very fun and exhilirating, but they should
be used in moderation.
Matthew Creelman: final battle with Zsinj by Alliston
Michael Sheridan: But, at the same time, there were times in that book when
it focuse on Luke and Mara while they were piloting that got a bit slow.
Matthew Creelman: I don't think that space battles work when you focus too
closely on the individual starfighters - it's the overalls strategy that's
Matthew Creelman: That's why thrawn was fun to read
Michael Sheridan: But, personally, I like the smaller battles better. While
I think massive, epic conflicts are an integral part of Star Wars, it's those
little moments that are generally the most powerful.
Paul Myers: yeah
Mike Cooper: the only person
who's really kept me interested in in-cockpit action is stackpole...most of the
dogfighting in the NJO was dull for me
Matthew Creelman: I disliked NJO dogfighting because it was mostly Jaina
doing it.
Matthew Creelman: heh
Mike Cooper: heh
Michael Sheridan: Visually, they're just plain awesome. The Death Star
sequence in the original, the final battle in ROTJ. Just great stuff. I love
watching it. But, I'm not much for reading them.
Paul Myers: the big space battle in return of the jedi was cool, but
there's nothing quite like watching Luke make the trench run in A New Hope.
Michael Sheridan: But, I wasn't a fan of the X-wing stuff, so maybe i just
missed out on the great space battles.
Mike Cooper: it's one of
those things that can either be amazing or awful, with little in-between
Matthew Creelman: I was watching ANH yesterday. In my opinion,the greatest
moment of the Saga is when Luke turns off his scope.
Mike Cooper: that's a new
Paul Myers: I liked the X-wing books. I think they had a good balance of
character and battles.
Matthew Creelman: Can you imagine the panic back on Yavin?
Michael Sheridan: What's a new one?
Matthew Creelman: Luke turning off his scope.
Michael Sheridan: I think that could be considered a pivotal moment in the
Mike Cooper: well, here's a
related thought...if the clone wars were done already, would you be satisfied
with the battles that have been done?
Matthew Creelman: You have a green recruit, in an X-Wing for the first time,
with DARTH VADER on his tail, the Death Star in firing range, and an impossible
shot coming up, and what does the boy do: he turns off his scope!
Paul Myers: no, i would not be satisfied
Matthew Creelman: I wouldn't be satisfied either.
Paul Myers: I would like to see something like the X-wing series in the
Clone Wars
Michael Sheridan: Well, are we talking about done already with 70s-80s tech,
or are we takling today's digital effects?
Mike Cooper: not to fall back
off-topic, but i always thought it was kinda weird that theyput luke in charge
of a flight like that at all
Paul Myers: I guess Biggs pulled some strings ;-)
Matthew Creelman: I think that Biggs was supposed to lead, but he deferred
to Luke.
Matthew Creelman: yeah.
Mike Cooper: no, i mean, if
the publishing program was over, with no jedi trial, obsession, etc coming out
Michael Sheridan: Well, it's important to note tha the originals were more
personal, less epic.
Matthew Creelman: he knew who the better pilot was
Matthew Creelman: Less epic? I'd say far more epic.
Paul Myers: I think Jedi Trial is going to be the definitive Clone Wars
Matthew Creelman: I hope so.
Paul Myers: the one that everyone remembers
Michael Sheridan: Less epic in the sense that the story is about a massive
galactic civil war, but the story doesn't get too involved in it. Its' more
about Luke, Han, Leia, and their struggles.
Matthew Creelman: that's true
Michael Sheridan: The prequels are more epic in their scope.
Michael Sheridan: They're more involved in the politics and galactic events.
Michael Sheridan: But, that's shifting onto another debate.
Mike Cooper: yeah
Paul Myers: all the Clone Wars novels we've had so far are very personal
Matthew Creelman: The comics have been pretty personal so far as well.
Paul Myers: I think Jedi Trial will get a little bit more into the big
Michael Sheridan: Yeah, doesn't seem to me that any of the CW novels have
been very grand in their scope so far. They seem to focus largely on individual
Matthew Creelman: In my opinion, Republic #61 and #64 have been the best
Clone Wars stories to date.
Paul Myers: Jabiim has satisfied my need for epic battles in the comics
Mike Cooper: i'm not the
biggest fan of aayla and quin, but i do think it made more sense for republic
to deal with them than huge fleet things
Matthew Creelman: Personal stories, but they touched on larger battles too.
Mike Cooper: they're doing a
great job of preppaing anakin for the fall, too
Paul Myers: I think Dark Horse has done a great job
Paul Myers: We have the personal Quinlan Vos arc, and then we have things
that are more epic like Jabiim
Matthew Creelman: Yep. Clone Wars comics have done more to make Anakin a)
likable, and b) prepare him for the Dark Side than anything else.
Mike Cooper: i really hope
that the whole "i can't stop people from dying" thing is what lucas
is gonna go for
Michael Sheridan: Well, the goal of these Clone Wars stories are largely to
explore what Anakin endures to make him into the hardened, corrupted person he
Mike Cooper: okay, let's
move on
Mike Cooper: Troy Denning's
post-NJO trilogy will be called Dark Nest, comprised of The Joiner King, The
Unseen Queen, and The Swarm War. How about those titles, guys?
Matthew Creelman: Looks to be an insect theme for sure.
Mike Cooper: heh. you can
tell when i'm pasting in stuff i wrote earlier, because it's the only time i
use caps
Michael Sheridan: Yeah, lots of bugs.
Matthew Creelman: Not quite sure what I think about insects in Star Wars.
Mike Cooper: are you guys
excited about that, or turned off?
Matthew Creelman: More turned off than anything else.
Michael Sheridan: Well, the Geonsians were insect-like.
Matthew Creelman: It sounds like they want Starcraft in the GFFA.
Michael Sheridan: Not sure it's unprecidented.
Michael Sheridan: LOL
Matthew Creelman: Nothing wrong with Starcraft, but it's not part of the
Michael Sheridan: Seemed like the Vong were very Starcraft like.
Matthew Creelman: Eh, they were different enough. Barely.
Matthew Creelman: Or maybe this is the plan.
Matthew Creelman: The next series will feature the Vong and the villains
from Dark Nest renamed the Zerg and the Protoss, and we'll settle into a brood
Michael Sheridan: I'm willing to give it a go cuz it's Denning. I thought
SbS was terrific, and my conversations when I did the Denning Q&A made me
think he was pretty creative and had a head on his shoulder.
Paul Myers: The titles sound a little wierd, but then I don't know what
the story is about
Michael Sheridan: But, judging from the titles, we're gonna be treated with
another collection of really dark novels.
Mike Cooper: dark with
darkness =)
Mike Cooper: i'm a rare
breed in that i love star wars, but otherwise i'm not really a sci-fi or
fantasy fan
Paul Myers: From the titles I get the feeling that the main plot centers
around some insect-like creatures and their problems
Matthew Creelman: I don't mind dark. Some of my favorite series are dark
(Lucifer, A Song of Ice and Fire, etc). But it can't just be dark for the sake
of being dark.
Mike Cooper: so i'm kinda
iffy about it, but like michael said, it is denning
Paul Myers: Denning hasn't dissapointed me yet
Mike Cooper: if he can make
tatooine ghost interesting, he can do anything
Michael Sheridan: Yeah, right now there are two authors I have no problem
with, and thats Denning and Stover.
Michael Sheridan: LOL
Matthew Creelman: Tatooine Ghost didn't thrill me.
Matthew Creelman: The two authors I have no problem with are Allston and
Mike Cooper: i went in with
somewhat low expectations
Michael Sheridan: I liked TG, cuz it was a lighthearted alternative to the
other books. But, the ending was a bit weak.
Mike Cooper: i only wish leia
had gotten the painting, because then that would explain why she's the one who
bested thrawn
Paul Myers: Tatooine Ghost was nice. i agree the ending was week, but it
was cool to see people like Kitster who had known Anakin
Matthew Creelman: I think that part of my problem with TG was that I'm not a
Han and Leia fan. The other part is that I didn't think that it really changed
much, even in reterospect.
Mike Cooper: yeah, and it
really couldn't, without being set after the NJO
Paul Myers: Maybe Leia will get the painting in Dark Nest
Michael Sheridan: I don't think it was supposed to change anything, it was
just supposed to "explain" something.
Matthew Creelman: Leia got the painting in TUF. ;-)
Michael Sheridan: She already got the painting.
Michael Sheridan: Ah, beat me to it.
Mike Cooper: which was
pretty cool
Matthew Creelman: Damn straight.
Paul Myers: oh. I just skimmed TUF. I can't stand Luceno
Matthew Creelman: It was a typical Pellaeon moment.
Mike Cooper: really?
Paul Myers: It took me like a year to get through Cloak of Deception
Matthew Creelman: I've mixed feelings about Luceno. Loved Cloak of
Deception, hated Agents of Chaos, wasn't too keen on anything but the last 100
pages of TUF.
Paul Myers: I just think Luceno's writing is very dry and boring
Matthew Creelman: Agreed.
Matthew Creelman: It suited COD, which was political intrigue
Mike Cooper: his overall
plots vary, but he does a lot of unexpected little things that i love
Paul Myers: One of these days I'll actually read everything in TUF, maybe
Matthew Creelman: his style doesn't suit action books in my opinion
Mike Cooper: like TUF
starting with 50 pages about a heretofore-unknown character
Michael Sheridan: I don't really feel one way or another about Luceno.
Michael Sheridan:
TUF was a bit weak. Didn't really enjoy that book all that much.
Mike Cooper: okay, let's
move on
Matthew Creelman: man, we're all heretics
Paul Myers: lol
Matthew Creelman: speaking ill of TUF
Mike Cooper: In just over
nine months, RotS will be out, and the EU will officially have free reign. In
light of Tatooine Ghost's popularity, a lot of people want to see a similar
story that fills in the rest of the gaps for Luke and Leia, especially when it
comes to Padme. Should this happen, or would it be best to leave it open to
Matthew Creelman: ...must... not... spoil....
Matthew Creelman: I hope they do find out.
Michael Sheridan: They should find out.
Mike Cooper: well, spoilers
aside, i think it's safe to assume things don't exactly go well for her
Mike Cooper: what with the
evil and all
Michael Sheridan: I'm looking forward to when that book gets published.
Paul Myers: Hmm. Maybe a book called Naboo Ghost... ;-)
Michael Sheridan: :-)
Mike Cooper: heh
Matthew Creelman: I think that finding out who their mother was, how she
lived, and how she died will cause some reevaluation by both Luke and Leia.
Mike Cooper: do you think
they should do another whole book about it, though, or just work into into the
cracks somwhere?
Matthew Creelman: I think that it deserves its own book.
Paul Myers: I'd like to find out what Ben Skywalker will think when he
finds out everything about his grandparents
Michael Sheridan: Own book. A personal journey for the two of them.
Matthew Creelman: Yeah, I want a Luke and Leia adventure.
Michael Sheridan: Heck, there's never even been a book that featured Luke
and Leia together on an adventure.
Paul Myers: Yeah. If it's done write it could be good.
Matthew Creelman: Leave the kids and spouses behind, grab their sabres, and
go looking for adventure
Mike Cooper: what about
splinter of the mind's eye?
Mike Cooper: yeah, cause
leia just loves that saber
Matthew Creelman: There was wierd sexual tension in Splinter.
Mike Cooper: that's what
makes it fun!
Michael Sheridan: Splinter was kind of a weird book.
Mike Cooper: i have to admit
that i read the comic version, so i probably missed a lot
Matthew Creelman: I'd like a Luke and Leia book without the sexual tension,
not that it doesn't have its place. :O
Matthew Creelman: ;\
Paul Myers: I bet Foster didn't know they were related when he wrote
Splinter. hehe
Matthew Creelman: I HOPE he didn't
Matthew Creelman: cause otherwise, it gets weirder...
Michael Sheridan: Well, maybe that's Foster's thing.
Paul Myers: lol
Michael Sheridan: Seemed to me that Splinter was written before any of the
other concepts were developed regarding their familial ties.
Mike Cooper: it's debatable
in lucas even knew as of empire
Michael Sheridan: But, hey, Lucas had them making out in ESB, so who knows.
Mike Cooper: considering the
big honkin' kiss
Matthew Creelman: If Lucas knew then... hehehehe
Paul Myers: one wonders how much Lucas planned and how much he made up as
he went along
Mike Cooper: it's gonna be interesting
to see how prequel stuff is handled in the post-NJO stuff. i figured ben would
stay relatively young for a while, but sue rostoni just mentioned that the
9-book series is gonna be ten years after the NJO
Michael Sheridan: I think he made a lot of it up as he went.
Matthew Creelman: agreed
Mike Cooper: so he'll be old
enough to ask questions
Michael Sheridan: Daddy, why did Aunt Leia and you make out?
Matthew Creelman: I wish that the nine book series was around the time of
Matthew Creelman: :D
Mike Cooper: yeah, that
woulda been nice
Mike Cooper: but in a way,
two one-shots is better
Matthew Creelman: I want to see Revan and Bastila confirmed together.
Michael Sheridan: I think the idea of doing books during the KOTOR era is
interesting. Explore new territory, for the novels anyway.
Matthew Creelman: Yep.
Paul Myers: 10 years after TUF is like what, 35 years after ROTJ?
Mike Cooper: they're
basically going to have to come up with a setting from scratch, so it's better
to try a couple things out before putting three years worth of eggs into one
Mike Cooper: i think so,
Mike Cooper: what if revan
is a woman, matt? =)
Michael Sheridan: Well, 10 years, so that would make Han pretty old at that
point. Wonder if they're going to kill him off, or let him die off screen.
Matthew Creelman: female Revan+Bastila is also OK. :-)
Paul Myers: Han would only be about 70. That's still young... ;-)
Matthew Creelman: I wish that they'd just skip ahead a few hundred or
thousand years - that way we don't have to see heroes grow old and die
Matthew Creelman: [fanboy]And Luke might still be around, having extended
his life through the Force, and he could mentor some young hero in the far
distant future[/fanboy]
Mike Cooper: even figuring out
how long the big three would live is kinda'd think that in a
society this advanced, life span would be well over 100
Matthew Creelman: Truce at Bakura had people living into their 120's, but
that might have been local years.
Paul Myers: and yet Obi-Wan seemed so old in ANH
Mike Cooper: well, he did
spend 20 years alone in the desert
Paul Myers: true
Mike Cooper: that's the only
reason i buy ewan morphing into alec =)
Matthew Creelman: And he had Anakin as a Padawan - that has to age a man before
his time
Paul Myers: haha
Mike Cooper: well we know
his mind went pretty fast, what with all the "my young padawan" crap
Mike Cooper: that's jedi for
whipper snapper
Michael Sheridan: Yeah, I think the saddest moment will be Han getting too
old or dying. Luke could potentially be around for quite a long time.
Michael Sheridan: Chewie's death was sad, but Han's will be much more
powerful. To me, anyway.
Matthew Creelman: I figure that Luke need never die. When 900 years old he
reaches, look better than Yoda he will.
Paul Myers: maybe han will live to be 120 and still be kickin'
Mike Cooper: i'd really like
them to do a big jump, but they probably want to keep the door open in case
lucas really does change his mind someday about more movies
Michael Sheridan:
Yeah, but how much of that was his being a Jedi, and how much was simply his
Michael Sheridan: Lucas will never do more movies.
Mike Cooper: he probably
won't, nor should he, but business is business
Paul Myers: no movies, just tv
Matthew Creelman: EU television shows worry me a little.
Mike Cooper: and the last
thing they want is thousands of pissed off EU people when a hundred years of
post-RotJ history is thrown out
Matthew Creelman: How well will they keep to continuity?
Mike Cooper: depends on when
they're set
Michael Sheridan: Yeah, there'll be a tv show. The question is will it be
animated or live-action.
Mike Cooper: i think both
are happening, actually
Matthew Creelman: two shows coming up I think
Matthew Creelman: yeah
Paul Myers: personally, if there's a tv show I hope it's inbetween ROTS
and ANH
Michael Sheridan: I've heard a few things, but curious to see what they do.
Michael Sheridan: I don't.
Matthew Creelman: Jedi Hunter!
Mike Cooper: i mean, there's
18 years in between III and IV. that's, like, the entire bantam era
Michael Sheridan: That would stink, in my opinion anyway.
Matthew Creelman: suit yourself :p
Mike Cooper: i eally like
the concept, but it could be kinda depressing after a while
Mike Cooper: *really
Paul Myers: depends on how they do it
Paul Myers: star wars is based on hope.
Matthew Creelman: yes
Mike Cooper: yeah, but how
do you bring that across in a series where every episode ends with a jedi
getting sliced?
Paul Myers: it wouldn't be easy
Michael Sheridan: I like the idea of books taking place during that time,
but a series? I don't know, don't like it. I mean, we already know how it ends.
Why develop a tv series when the ending is already established?
Michael Sheridan: Seems to me that if they do a television series, it'll be
independent of the saga, in that it'll have all new characters in a whole new
Mike Cooper: i think star
wars television should never go beyond miniseries telling a set story
Michael Sheridan: I could see that.
Mike Cooper: imagine some
big ten-hour rogue squadron thing
Michael Sheridan: If there was a series, it would have to take place long
after the movies and EU. But, mini-series could take place anytime.
Paul Myers: how about a tv show about Ben Skywalker?
Matthew Creelman: That'd be cool.
Matthew Creelman: of course, it'd have to be animated
Paul Myers: why?
Mike Cooper: that'd be a
good way to avoid needing harrison ford, actually
Matthew Creelman: no way you can get Harrison Ford and co., and no way that
any stand-in would do
Michael Sheridan: that's the rub, do you make a live action series, or
animated? Live action would be pretty dark expensive.
Mike Cooper: they could hire
a brand-new mara, and hamill'd be glad to guest here and there
Michael Sheridan: dark = darn
Michael Sheridan: Yeah, I'm sure Hamill would be happy to jump on board.
Mike Cooper: even carrie
fisher would probably do it if they needed her
Paul Myers: you could alway say that Han died if Harrison wouldn't do it
Paul Myers: ;-)
Mike Cooper: heheh
Michael Sheridan: Ford did a cameo in the Indy series, I'm sure he wouldn't
be beyond doing one for a SW series. Maybe.
Matthew Creelman: That's a big maybe.
Mike Cooper: he did?
Mike Cooper: a
Mike Cooper: he once said
something along the lines of "i have no interest in the character but i'd
do it for the sake of consistency"
Michael Sheridan: The series was based on the older indy telling stories. In
one of the TV movie they did, it was Harrison telling the story.
Mike Cooper: ah
Matthew Creelman: I didn't much care for young indy.
Mike Cooper: it was way
before my time
Mike Cooper: okay, seeing as
how the original topic was left in the dust about fifteen minutes ago, let's
move along
Michael Sheridan: I loved that show.
Matthew Creelman: lol
Paul Myers: lol. we like to segway
Michael Sheridan: Think we said all there was to say on it, tho.
Michael Sheridan: So that's a good thing.
Mike Cooper: if only we
could segway into the actual next topic =)
Mike Cooper: this'll be a
quick one, then we'll call it a night
Michael Sheridan: ok
Matthew Creelman: Right-o.
Paul Myers: ok
Mike Cooper: Republic 67:
great story, or should Randy Stradley stick to the editorial side of things?
Matthew Creelman: how about both?
Mike Cooper: what do you
Paul Myers: Randy should quit being an editor and just write!
Paul Myers: Seriously, Republic #71 was awesome!
Matthew Creelman: The story was great, but Ostrander is simply better. As
long as Ostrander is around, I'd rather Randy stayed to the editting side of
Mike Cooper: 67, paul
Matthew Creelman: Republic #71?
Michael Sheridan: I liked it. Great artwork, strong story. I like it more
when the stories tie into the overall saga and not side stories.
Paul Myers: my bad
Paul Myers: my mind thought 67, but my fingers typed 71
Matthew Creelman: The art was good. Normally, I don't like Republic or Jedi
as done by anyone other than Jan, but in this case I made an exception.
Mike Cooper: i loved seeing
anakin actually do what he was told for once...even if it took him a while
Paul Myers: I was sceptical at first about an issue by Stradley, but it
blew me away.
Matthew Creelman: I thought that it was great that Anakin thought he could
take on the entire factory himself.
Paul Myers: And Badeaux's art is starting to grow on me.
Michael Sheridan: Yeah, seems to me his reputation procedes him a little now
a days. But, it was good.
Matthew Creelman: very much in character, and I suspect that he might have
actually been able to do it.
Matthew Creelman: He's turning into a Jedi Killing Machine
Paul Myers: I didn't like it so well in #61 or #64, but I loved badeaux's
art in #67
Mike Cooper: this was
definitely the first time i've really stopped and thought "man, that guy's
Mike Cooper: badeau, that is
Michael Sheridan: Maybe he just needed to get a handle on it. Took a few
issues, but I think he's got it.
Matthew Creelman: I prefered Badeaux in #64 to $67
Matthew Creelman: but it was definitely better than #61
Mike Cooper: you'd prefer it
to 67 dollars? wow! =p
Matthew Creelman: yes, darn right I do
Paul Myers: I just want to know what's up with the dead Mandalorians. lol
Matthew Creelman: My guess is that it was just visual filler, like the Death
Star hologram.
Matthew Creelman: or just a tease
Mike Cooper: do you think
RotS is gonna follow through on that concept (people dying around him) when
explaining his turn?
Mike Cooper: i think he just
wanted to piss off this guy on the DH message boards
Michael Sheridan: LOL
Paul Myers: yeah. i think so too.
Matthew Creelman: ...must ...not ...spoil...
Matthew Creelman: heh, yeah
Matthew Creelman: that's evil, I like that explanation
Mike Cooper: i'm surprised
more people aren't pissed about the death star, actually
Michael Sheridan: I hope we see Anakin be a bad mamma jamma in RotS, that's
all I care about. He better be the evil dude that he is supposed to be.
Paul Myers: After that guy got upset about the Mandalorians retreating in
Paul Myers: Randy wanted to piss him off more.
Matthew Creelman: Trust me on this: Anakin will be suitably dark in ROTS.
Paul Myers: Anakin wanting to keep people from dying was first brought up
Michael Sheridan: Yeah, that seems to be Randy's thing. Pissing people off,
that is.
Matthew Creelman: Can you blame Randy?
Matthew Creelman: Well, in this case at least?
Matthew Creelman: hehehehehee
Mike Cooper: i've been
hanging around those boards for a while now, and all this crap he's getting
nowadays just makes me wonder what the hell happened on our forums that was bad
enough to scare him away
Michael Sheridan: LOL
Paul Myers: lol
Paul Myers: Viewing the DH boards is like watching a soap opera
Michael Sheridan: Well, I will say my experience with him was a good one.
Matthew Creelman: Viewing any board is like watching a soap opera.
Mike Cooper: oh yeah, your
Mike Cooper: i was reading
that earlier today actually
Mike Cooper: talking about
drama, i'm tempted to bring up the endor holocaust
Paul Myers: lol
Michael Sheridan: Just learned about that for the first time a few days ago.
Mike Cooper: but i think
i'll save theat for sometime when i've got a whole hour to fill with one topic
Mike Cooper: *that
Mike Cooper: god knows it's
everywhere these days
Mike Cooper: well, i'd say
that'll do it
Matthew Creelman: thanks for having us
Mike Cooper: anything else
to say on this?
Paul Myers: nice talking to all of you
Mike Cooper: i'd like to
thank yadda yadda for blah, blah, fill in later...
Mike Cooper: seriously,
though, this went really well
Michael Sheridan: This was fun. Good to have a fun debate on a topic I love
takling about.
Matthew Creelman: Padme = teh sexy, Republic #67 = teh cool, Luke+Leia = teh
ewww, and May teh Force be with you.
Well, there you have it. Matthew?s leet aside, this proof-of-concept
was, I think, quite successful. Thanks to Matthew, Michael and Paul for getting
in on the ground floor and helping this become a reality. If you have an idea
for a future topic, or any feedback for that matter, send it in.