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Acme Comics & Collectibles Mini Star Wars Convention

Posted By Mike on June 22, 2012

Our friend Jeff wrote in to spread the word of an Acme Comics and Collectibles Mini Star Wars convention that's coming up on June 30th in Sioux City, Iowa. Members of the Central Garrison of the 501st and the Central Base of the Rebel legion will be participating in Storm Trooper Olympics and fans can also expect a couple R2 units to be on hand for pictures. Basic details are spelled out for us below courtesy of Jeff but more details can be found at the mini convention's Facebook page.

Who: Acme Comics and Collectibles
What: Mini Star Wars convention
When: June 30th 11am to 4 pm
Where: Sioux City IA (1622 Pierce Street, Sioux City, IA. (712) 258-6171)
Why: RICHARD LePARMENTIER (Admiral Motti) will be on hand as well as the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion and some droids by local R2-Builders, Star Wars trivia and much more
How Much: Free admission, There is a charge per autograph from Richard LeParmentier

[FanForce USA Midwest - News Archives]
501st & Rebel Legion To Visit Learning Express Toys In IL
Posted By Mike on September 15, 2012:
Today from 11:00AM - 1:00PM!

Star Wars Charity Con To Return To Hastings, MN
Posted By Mike on September 15, 2012:
Sept. 21 and looking for volunteers

Jimmy Mac's Report From SW Day With The Chicago White Sox
Posted By Mike on September 14, 2012:
Complete with a fantastic photo gallery

501st Coming To The Evansville Museum
Posted By Mike on September 6, 2012:
As part of Kids & Grandparents Day this Sunday in Evansville, Indiana

SW Night With The Chicago White Sox
Posted By Mike on August 9, 2012:
September 8th vs. the Royals

Brewery Vivant's SW Cantina In Michigan
Posted By Mike on August 9, 2012:
Updated! Coverage from the event

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