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Wear Star Wars, Share Star Wars Day 2012

Posted By Mike on December 16, 2011

Zap2it.com reports that December 16, 2012 will mark the second annual Wear Star Wars, Share Star Wars Day. The day was conceived last year following the widely circulated story of Illinios-based schoolgirl Katie who was teased due to her Star Wars fandom. So just what does the day entail? First and foremost, December 16th will be a day of giving where fans are encouraged to donate sci-fi toys to charity with a label indicating that it is for either a boy or girl. Secondly, wear a Star Wars shirt on that day as a show of support and fellowship to fans of all ages, genders, races, religions, and so forth. We Star Wars fans are a pretty welcoming and giving bunch. Support Katie and others who have been teased for their fandom while giving and proudly displaying your love of The Wars!

Click here to check out the official Facebook page for the event.

UPDATE: Today is the day! Display your Star Wars pride and donate a sci-fi toy labeled for either a girl or boy.

[FanForce USA Mid South - News Archives]
Sci Fi Day At The Fort Worth Museum Of Science & History
Posted By Mike on May 12, 2012:
Today! (Saturday, May 12)

Lightsaber Flash Mob Scheduled For Today In TX
Posted By Mike on May 4, 2012:
With a little help from the 501st

Art Auction for "Princess Leah" Goes Live
Posted By Mike on March 27, 2012:
Supporting the ailing daughter of the Esquenazi family

The Forums Are Moving!
Posted By Ben on March 21, 2012:
The upgrade of TFN's Jedi Council Forums has begun.

TOR Midnight Release Parties At Hastings
Posted By Mike on December 17, 2011:
Festivities start at 9:00PM on December 19th

Wear Star Wars, Share Star Wars Day 2012
Posted By Mike on December 16, 2011:
Updated! Wear and share today!!! (Dec. 16)

Get Ready For Austin Comic Con 2011
Posted By Mike on November 7, 2011:
Nov. 11-13 with Logan, Mayhew & Lloyd

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