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DFW FanForce End of Summer Cookout! Posted By Anthony on September 18, 2003
What: stone's End of Summer bash!
When: Saturday, September 20th, 2:00 p.m.
Where: stone's place in Richardson
Who: All STAR WARS fans are invited! That includes DFWFF, IBMW, 501st, Rebel Legion, and you!
Why: It's time for food and fun!
Join the DFW FanForce at stone's for an afternoon of food and fun. stone will be firing up the grill and char'ing some burgers and dogs for your gastronomical enjoyment. Plus we've got the SW arcade set to "free play", the xbox/ps2/gamecube on standby, and stone's 300+ DVDs on heavy rotation.
stone says:
and when i cook, you'd best be there, cause i put a out quite a "spread" of great food.
DFWFF will be providing the burgers, dogs, chips, sodas, etc. all the basic geek food groups. You are welcome to B-Y-O-BEER, but this is intended to be a "family thing" so use appropriate discretion.
Also, please RSVP, so that we have enough food by replying to this thread with the number of people your are bringing or emailing
We will also be talking about our upcoming events, including the October Sci-Fi show!