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James Arnold Taylor's Show Heads To Ireland

Posted By Mike on January 17, 2012

Per the following press release, lucky convention goers in Ireland will be fortunate enough to get a chance to see James Arnold Taylor's one-man show "Talking To Myself" when he makes his overseas debut at Invasion Dublin III. If you had a chance to see James in action at CV, have seen the video below of his performance from Star Wars Weekends, or if you've heard one of his many guest spots on the ForceCast, then you know the show is going to be a lot of fun.

James Arnold Taylor Debuts ?Talking To Myself? Overseas
May 4-6, 2012
Invasion Dublin III Convention

James Arnold Taylor (JAT) has a versatile vocal range that has given him success in every facet of the Voice-Over Industry. He is one of the most sought after Voice-Actors in the business. You probably hear the voice of JAT all the time and have never known it! JAT is heard worldwide daily, from leading roles in summer blockbusters, starring roles in video games, voicing promos and trailers for national ad campaigns in TV, radio and internet and JAT even voice doubles for many of Hollywood?s biggest stars (like Ewan McGregor, Christian Bale and Johnny Depp) when they are unable to speak for themselves. Let?s not forget that JAT voices lead characters for the hit animated television series ?Star Wars: The Clone Wars? (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon) and ?Johnny Test? (Johnny).

?Talking to Myself?: Now, with JAT?s one man show, ?Talking To Myself?, you can see what you?ve only heard and watch James Arnold Taylor do over 150 voices live, while taking the audience on a journey into the fun, exciting and unknown world of voice-acting! You?ll also be inspired by his motivational message and discover courage within yourself to believe that you truly can achieve your dreams.

Information/Tickets: Find details of the ?Invasion Dublin III? Convention taking place in Dublin, Ireland: http://www.invasion.ie/

Learn more about JAT at:

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January 31, 2012   James Arnold Taylor's Live Chat Transcript
December 23, 2011   Weekly ForceCast: Christmas 2011
August 22, 2011   James Arnold Taylor's One Man Show Video
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