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FanForce Portugal Carnival Meeting Posted By Anthony on February 19, 2004
As some may know and others may not, this Tuesday 24th is that day of the year called Mardi Grass by some, Ter?a-Feira Gorda by others, and "why the force is a parade going through my city with weird dressed people" by quite a few. Regardless of cultural diferences the Portuguese FF is getting together to celebrate the ocasion, gathering at noon in front of the Box Office for the cinemas. There'll be a lunch at the usual place (the Chinese restaurant in Alto dos Moinhos) and the afternoon activies will be planned on the occasion. It's improvise time!
And since it's Carnaval time... Expect to see some Dark Jedi's, Masters of the Sith, Wizards, and similars around! For more information/signing-up, check out FFP homepage.