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FF Portugal to see ROTK Posted By Johanna on December 14, 2003
The usual gang of Star Wars-crazed portuguese fans is meeting up this saturday, December the 20th, in order to watch the last instalment of the Lord of the Rings sage. The plan for the meeting is not unlike that of the previous year's The Two Towers meeting, also doubling up as a Christmas gathering. The meet-up will be at noon, in front of the cinemas at Vasco da Gama (the mall). This time the restaurant where klunch will be held is still not appointed, but there are many to choose from and I'm sure no one will starve before the movie. There's always pop-corn, if it comes to that.
Oh, any interested should login at the FFP homepage and go to the "Almo?os" section so that we know how many people are going. Tickets for the movie will have to be booked in advance, so those who don't notify us may end up without a ticket... And we wouldn't want that, now would we?
Be prepared to see Wanderers passing by, Istari throwing fire-balls at each other, staff fights and much more. We're all crazy here, afterall!